Class AbstractGridCoverage

    • Field Detail

      • LOGGER

        public static final Logger LOGGER
        The logger for grid coverage operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractGridCoverage

        protected AbstractGridCoverage​(CharSequence name,
                                       CoordinateReferenceSystem crs,
                                       PropertySource propertySource,
                                       Map<?,​?> properties)
        Constructs a grid coverage using the specified coordinate reference system. If the coordinate reference system is null, then the subclasses must override AbstractCoverage.getDimension().
        name - The grid coverage name.
        crs - The coordinate reference system. This specifies the coordinate system used when accessing a coverage or grid coverage with the evaluate(...) methods.
        propertySource - The source for this coverage, or null if none. Source may be (but is not limited to) a PlanarImage or an other AbstractGridCoverage object.
        properties - The set of properties for this coverage, or null if there is none. Keys are String objects (CaselessStringKey are accepted as well), while values may be any Object.
      • AbstractGridCoverage

        protected AbstractGridCoverage​(CharSequence name,
                                       CoordinateReferenceSystem crs,
                                       GridCoverage[] sources,
                                       PropertySource propertySource,
                                       Map<?,​?> properties)
        Constructs a grid coverage with sources. Arguments are the same than for the previous constructor, with an additional sources argument.
        name - The grid coverage name.
        crs - The coordinate reference system.
        sources - The sources for a grid coverage, or null if none.
        propertySource - The source for properties for this coverage, or null if none.
        properties - Set of additional properties for this coverage, or null if there is none.
      • AbstractGridCoverage

        protected AbstractGridCoverage​(CharSequence name,
                                       GridCoverage coverage)
        Constructs a new coverage with the same parameters than the specified coverage.
        name - The name for this coverage, or null for the same than coverage.
        coverage - The source coverage.
    • Method Detail

      • getSources

        public List<GridCoverage> getSources()
        Returns the source data for a grid coverage. If the GridCoverage was produced from an underlying dataset, the returned list is an empty list. If the GridCoverage was produced using org.geotools.api.coverage.grid.GridCoverageProcessor, then it should return the source grid coverage of the one used as input to GridCoverageProcessor. In general the getSources() method is intended to return the original GridCoverage on which it depends. This is intended to allow applications to establish what GridCoverages will be affected when others are updated, as well as to trace back to the "raw data".
        Specified by:
        getSources in interface Coverage
        Specified by:
        getSources in interface GridCoverage
        getSources in class AbstractCoverage
        The list of sources data for a coverage.
      • isDataEditable

        public boolean isDataEditable()
        Returns true if grid data can be edited. The default implementation returns false.
        Specified by:
        isDataEditable in interface GridCoverage
        true if grid data can be edited.
      • getNumOverviews

        public int getNumOverviews()
        Returns the number of predetermined overviews for the grid. The default implementation returns 0.
        Specified by:
        getNumOverviews in interface GridCoverage
        The number of predetermined overviews for the grid.
      • getOverview

        public GridCoverage getOverview​(int index)
                                 throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Returns a pre-calculated overview for a grid coverage. The default implementation always throws an exception, since the default number of overviews is 0.
        Specified by:
        getOverview in interface GridCoverage
        index - Index of grid coverage overview to retrieve. Indexes start at 0.
        A pre-calculated overview for a grid coverage.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified index is out of bounds.
      • formatEvaluateError

        protected String formatEvaluateError​(Point2D point,
                                             boolean outside)
        Constructs an error message for a point that can not be evaluated. This is used for formatting error messages.
        point - The coordinate point to format.
        outside - true if the evaluation failed because the given point is outside the coverage, or false if it failed for an other (unknown) reason.
        An error message.
      • formatEvaluateError

        protected String formatEvaluateError​(Position point,
                                             boolean outside)
        Constructs an error message for a position that can not be evaluated. This is used for formatting error messages.
        point - The coordinate point to format.
        outside - true if the evaluation failed because the given point is outside the coverage, or false if it failed for an other (unknown) reason.
        An error message.