Interface UserLayer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UserLayer
    extends StyledLayer
    A UserLayer allows a user-defined layer to be built from WFS and WCS data.

    The details of this object are taken from the OGC Styled-Layer Descriptor Report (OGC 02-070) version 1.0.0.:

     <xsd:element name="UserLayer">
           A UserLayer allows a user-defined layer to be built from WFS and
           WCS data.
           <xsd:element ref="sld:Name" minOccurs="0"/>
           <xsd:element ref="sld:RemoteOWS" minOccurs="0"/>
           <xsd:element ref="sld:LayerFeatureConstraints"/>
           <xsd:element ref="sld:UserStyle" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    • Method Detail

      • getInlineFeatureDatastore

        Object getInlineFeatureDatastore()
        This Object must be a DataStore, but the interface can't see that from here!
      • setInlineFeatureDatastore

        void setInlineFeatureDatastore​(Object store)
        DataStore used to hold parsed feature collection content for use during rendering

        * This Object must be a DataStore, but the interface can't see that from here!

        store -
      • setRemoteOWS

        void setRemoteOWS​(RemoteOWS service)
      • getUserStyles

        Style[] getUserStyles()
      • setUserStyles

        void setUserStyles​(Style... styles)
      • addUserStyle

        void addUserStyle​(Style style)
      • accept

        void accept​(StyleVisitor visitor)
        Used to navigate a Style/SLD.