Interface PointPlacement

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PointPlacement
    extends LabelPlacement
    A PointPlacement specifies how a text label is positioned relative to a geometric point.
    GeoAPI 2.2
    Open Geospatial Consortium, Johann Sorel (Geomatys), Ian Turton
    • Method Detail

      • getAnchorPoint

        AnchorPoint getAnchorPoint()
        Returns the AnchorPoint which identifies the location inside a textlabel to use as an "anchor" for positioning it relative to a point geometry.
        anchorPoint from the relative to the original geometry
      • setAnchorPoint

        void setAnchorPoint​(AnchorPoint anchorPoint)
        sets the AnchorPoint which identifies the location inside a textlabel to use as an "anchor" for positioning it relative to a point geometry.
        anchorPoint - relative to the original geometry
      • getDisplacement

        Displacement getDisplacement()
        Returns the Displacement which gives X and Y offset displacements to use for rendering a text label near a point.
        Offset to use when rendering text near a point
      • setDisplacement

        void setDisplacement​(Displacement displacement)
        sets the Displacement which gives X and Y offset displacements to use for rendering a text label near a point.
      • getRotation

        Expression getRotation()
        Returns the rotation of the label.
        rotation of the label as a dynamic expression
      • setRotation

        void setRotation​(Expression rotation)
        sets the rotation of the label.

        Sets the rotation of the label.