Class IdentifierGenerationOptionType

    • Field Detail


        public static final int USE_EXISTING
        The 'Use Existing' literal value. The UseExsiting value indicates that WFS should not generate a new feature identifier for the feature being inserted into the repositry. Instead, the WFS should use the identifier encoded if the feature. If a duplicate exists then the WFS should raise an exception.
        See Also:
        USE_EXISTING_LITERAL, Constant Field Values

        public static final int REPLACE_DUPLICATE
        The 'Replace Duplicate' literal value. The ReplaceDuplicate value indicates that WFS should not generate a new feature identifier for the feature being inserted into the repositry. Instead, the WFS should use the identifier encoded if the feature. If a duplicate exists then the WFS should replace the existing feature instance with the one encoded in the Insert action.
        See Also:
        REPLACE_DUPLICATE_LITERAL, Constant Field Values

        public static final int GENERATE_NEW
        The 'Generate New' literal value. The GenerateNew value indicates that WFS should generate a new unique feature identifier for the feature being inserted into the repositry.
        See Also:
        GENERATE_NEW_LITERAL, Constant Field Values
      • VALUES

        public static final List VALUES
        A public read-only list of all the 'Identifier Generation Option Type' enumerators.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static IdentifierGenerationOptionType get​(String literal)
        Returns the 'Identifier Generation Option Type' literal with the specified literal value.
        literal - the literal.
        the matching enumerator or null.
      • getByName

        public static IdentifierGenerationOptionType getByName​(String name)
        Returns the 'Identifier Generation Option Type' literal with the specified name.
        name - the name.
        the matching enumerator or null.
      • get

        public static IdentifierGenerationOptionType get​(int value)
        Returns the 'Identifier Generation Option Type' literal with the specified integer value.
        value - the integer value.
        the matching enumerator or null.