Interface GmlPackage

  • All Superinterfaces:
    EModelElement, ENamedElement, EObject, EPackage, Notifier
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GmlPackage
    extends EPackage
    The Package for the model. It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent
    • each class,
    • each feature of each class,
    • each enum,
    • and each data type
    GML profile for WCS AEW 03/07/22 Changes made: Edited documentation of "name" element JDE 2003-07-28: Added indeterminatePosition attribute to timePosition Added 11 new elements and types from geometryBasic2d.xsd (to define Polygon, used in CoverageDescription...SpatialDomain) AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Rearranged elements and types and inserted comments indicating the GML schema from which groups of elements and types were copied or edited into this profile JDE 2003-07-30 Added TimeDurationType
    See Also: