CoordinateReferenceSystem |
GeneralGridGeometry.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() |
Returns the "real world" coordinate reference system.
CoordinateReferenceSystem |
GridGeometry2D.getCoordinateReferenceSystem2D() |
Returns the two-dimensional part of this grid geometry CRS.
MathTransform2D |
GridGeometry2D.getCRSToGrid2D() |
Returns a math transform for the two dimensional part for conversion from world to grid coordinates.
Bounds |
GeneralGridGeometry.getEnvelope() |
Returns the bounding box of "real world" coordinates for this grid geometry.
ReferencedEnvelope |
GridGeometry2D.getEnvelope2D() |
Returns the two-dimensional bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate reference system coordinates.
GridEnvelope |
GeneralGridGeometry.getGridRange() |
Returns the valid coordinate range of a grid coverage.
GridEnvelope2D |
GridGeometry2D.getGridRange2D() |
Returns the two-dimensional part of the grid range as a rectangle.
MathTransform |
GeneralGridGeometry.getGridToCRS() |
Returns the transform from grid coordinates to real world earth coordinates.
MathTransform |
GeneralGridGeometry.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell anchor) |
Returns the transform from grid coordinates to real world earth coordinates.
MathTransform2D |
GridGeometry2D.getGridToCRS2D() |
Returns a math transform for the two dimensional part.
GridEnvelope2D |
GridGeometry2D.worldToGrid(BoundingBox envelope) |
Transforms a rectangle represented by an Envelope2D object from world to grid coordinates.
GridCoordinates2D |
GridGeometry2D.worldToGrid(Position point) |
Transforms a point represented by a DirectPosition object from world to grid coordinates.
GridEnvelope2D |
GridGeometry2D.worldToGrid(ReferencedEnvelope envelope) |
Transforms a rectangle represented by an ReferencedEnvelope (or BoundingBox) from world to grid coordinates.