After |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is after another temporal object as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.
AnyInteracts |
Filter operator that determines if two temporal periods interact in any way as defined by the Filter Encoding
Before |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is before another temporal object as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.
Begins |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the beginning of another temporal object as
defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
BegunBy |
Filter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the beginning of a temporal object as
defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
BinaryTemporalOperator |
Base interface for all temporal filter operators.
During |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located during another temporal object as defined by the
Filter Encoding Specification.
EndedBy |
Filter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the end of a temporal object as defined by
the Filter Encoding Specification.
Ends |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the end of another temporal object as defined by
the Filter Encoding Specification.
Meets |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period is met by another temporal period as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.
MetBy |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period meets by another temporal period as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.
OverlappedBy |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period is overlapped by another temporal period as defined by the
Filter Encoding Specification.
TContains |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object contains another temporal object as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.
TEquals |
Filter operator that determines if two temporal objects are equal as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
TOverlaps |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period overlaps another temporal period as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.