
GeoTools makes heavy use of Java Collections. Given the age of the project you will find some of the older interfaces still make use of arrays. For the most part we have made the same information available as an array (for older code) and a Java Collection for ease of use.

We do have a number of custom collections, or collections provided by third party libraries that are worth special mention.

  • FeatureCollection

    You are also warned that FeatureCollection is no long a Java Collection (as we could not support the “for each” loop construct due to the requirement to call iterator.close() ).

  • CanocialSet

    Can be used to create an internal pool of objects so a factory does not hand out duplicates. This works in a manner similar to the String.intern() method and is useful for optimizing memory use.

    Here is an example:

     * Please note that Foo must be *immutable* and have *equals/hashcode* defined.
    class FooFactory {
        public Foo create(String definition) {
              Foo created = new Foo(definition);
              return (Foo) canionicalSet.unique(created);

    At a technical level this class is an AbstractSet in which the entries are weak references. This means that CanonicalSet will not hold onto created objects when they are no longer in active use by your application.

    Please note this is not a “cache” as the intended use is different. We are optimizing for memory use here rather than speed.

  • DisjointSet

    Two disjoint sets will keep each other in sync (as content is added to one set it will be removed from the other and vice versa)

  • DerivedSet

    Abstract class for when you want to make a sub set

  • DerivedMap

    Abstract class for when you want to make a sub map

  • Singleton - Deprecated

    Remember GeoTools being slightly ahead of its time? This is an example of a collection in which a ready alternative is now available.

    Please use:

    Collections.singleton( obj )
  • Checked Collections

    We had expected Java 5 to provided checked collections, but instead the collections were limited to some creative compile time checking. The only downside to this is if you pass a List<?> around there is a chance it could end up in the wrong spot and cause ClassCastExceptions.

    The following collections ask you to indicate the element type during creation - and will check that new elements are of the required type as you add them to the collection.

    • CheckedArrayList

    • CheckedCollection

    • CheckedHashMap

    • CheckedHashSet

    Check the version of Java you are using to see if a replacement for these classes are available. When GeoTools upgrades we will cleanly extend a built-in Java implementation to preserve compatibility.

  • WeakReference Collections

    The following collection implementations make use of weak reference allowing the contents to “evaporate” when not in use:

    • WeakHashSet

    • WeakValueHashMap

    The following implementation makes use of a mix of strong and weak references in order to operate as an effective cache:

    • SoftValueHashMap

    Note: You may also wish to in the commons-pool library which offer similar functionality when using an ObjectPool with weak references.

    A key difference between many of the uses of WeakReference you will find on the web and these classes implemented in GeoTools if how aggressive we have had to be in order to manage memory.

    While many applications are content to let the garbage collector get around to cleaning up memory. GeoTools has had to introduce a background thread in order to keep memory size in check when working with large data sets.

  • KeySortedList

    As advertised a list where you can specify the order using a look aside index providing the order.

  • IntegerList

    Integer list that adjust how much memory is used to store the values depending on what your expected maximum value is.

    The contents are packed into the minimum number of bits needed.

  • KVP

    Used for quick “key value pair” maps, where they keys are Strings and the values can be any object.

    Used for terse programming in test cases and constructors.:

    Map<String,Object> lookup = new KVP("first, 1, "second", 2.0 );

    The implementation supports any number of parameters.


The use of this background thread is not at first obvious - it is used internally by several collection classes as a high priority thread (to clean out unused content).

The question is of course why a high priority thread?

First some background - our collection classes do not directly use WeakReference - instead they work with a subclass in which the clean method has been overridden to:

  • throw away the value (i.e. normal behavior)

  • remove itself from the collection

WeakCollectionCleaner is a fast thread that spends most of its time asleep (so your application can do its work), when it does wake up we want it to be a high priority so it can get in there and recover memory, so your application is not starved for resources.

This is an example of real world use not being very obvious. The real work of your application is often best handled in a low priority thread, with system management work like this happening quickly in a high priority thread.