Elasticsearch Plugin -------------------- Elasticsearch is a popular search and analytics engine. **Maven**:: org.geotools gt-elasticsearch ${geotools.version} .. note: Community Experiment This is an :doc:`unsupported <../../unsupport>` community plugin to work with `Elasticsearch `__ search and analytics engine. This is a plugin was added in 2020, gathered from public domain implementations. If you are interested in this functionality contact the author ant help make this plugin part of GeoTools! Connection Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Available data store connection parameters are summarized in the following table: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - Parameter - Description * - elasticsearch_host - Host (IP) for connecting to Elasticsearch. HTTP scheme and port can optionally be included to override the defaults. Multiple hosts can be provided. Examples:: localhost localhost:9200 http://localhost http://localhost:9200 https://localhost:9200 https://somehost.somedomain:9200,https://anotherhost.somedomain:9200 * - elasticsearch_port - Default HTTP port for connecting to Elasticsearch. Ignored if the hostname includes the port. * - user - Elasticsearch user. Must have superuser privilege on index. * - passwd - Elasticsearch user password * - runas_geoserver_user - Whether to submit requests on behalf of the authenticated GeoServer user * - proxy_user - Elasticsearch user for document queries. If not provided then admin user credentials are used for all requests. * - proxy_passwd - Elasticsearch proxy user password * - index_name - Index name or alias (wildcards supported) * - reject_unauthorized - Whether to validate the server certificate during the SSL handshake for https connections * - default_max_features - Default used when maxFeatures is unlimited * - response_buffer_limit - Maximum number of bytes to buffer in memory when reading responses from Elasticsearch * - source_filtering_enabled - Whether to enable filtering of the _source field * - scroll_enabled - Enable the Elasticsearch scan and scroll API * - scroll_size - Number of documents per shard when using the scroll API * - scroll_time - Search context timeout when using the scroll API * - array_encoding - Array encoding strategy. Allowed values are ``JSON`` (keep arrays) and ``CSV`` (keep first array element). * - grid_size - Hint for Geohash grid size (numRows*numCols) * - grid_threshold - Geohash grid aggregation precision will be the minimum necessary so that actual_grid_size/grid_size > grid_threshold Example use: .. code-block:: java Map map = new HashMap(); map.put(ElasticDataStoreFactory.HOSTNAME.key, "http://localhost:9200"); map.put(ElasticDataStoreFactory.INDEX_NAME.key, "status_s");