The Process module gathers together interesting geospatial algorithms along with an API that allows applications to discover what implementations are available at runtime.
Typical Use¶
While processes can be used directly (you can see how to do that below) the real benefit is the have a thread pool ready to execute processes in the background.
Here is a code example showing creation of a process, and scheduling it to run in a thread pool:
// 3 is one more then the current number of cpu cores ProcessExecutor backgroundExecutor = Processors.newProcessExecutor( 3, null ); Process buffer = Processors.createProcess( new NameImpl("gt","buffer") ); Map<String,Object> input = new KVP("features", inputFeatureCollection, "buffer", 0.01 ); Progress progress = backgroundExecutor.schedule( buffer, input );
You can check on the progress of a running process:
if( progress.getProgress() == Progress.WORKING ){ System.out.println( "Progress: Working"); else { System.out.println( "Progress:"+progress.getProgress() + "percent complete" ); }
To read the value when done:
Map<String,Object> result = progress.get(); SimpleFeatureCollection resultFeatureCollection = (SimpleFeatureCollection) result.get("features");
If you ask for the value before the progress is complete your current thread will block while the value is produced.
This is the Java Future API and represents a thread safe way of calculating something in a background thread.
Direct Use¶
By convention Process implementations have a static helper method that you can call directly.:
features = RasterToVectorProcess.process( gridCoverage, 2, Collections.EMPTY, null );
For instructions on how to use this method you will need to read the javadocs of the method in question.
By convention the last parameter is a progress monitor you can use to report back what is going on to your user - and let them cancel.
Since processes can take minutes to hours this is a good plan.:
features = RasterToVectorProcess.process( gridCoverage, 2, Collections.EMPTY, monitor );
This is all well and good - what else could happen to make things complicated?
Processors Utility Class¶
You can also use the Processors utility class to do things like list all the processes that are available to be called:
// find all the process factories and print out their names
Set<ProcessFactory> processFactories = Processors.getProcessFactories();
Iterator<ProcessFactory> iterator = processFactories.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("Process Factory: " + );
Setting up A Process¶
You can now create a Process object; and sort out what input it needs:
Name name = new NameImpl(ProcessFactory.GT_NAMESPACE, "RasterToVectorProcess");
Process r2v = Processors.createProcess(name);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put(RasterToVectorFactory.RASTER.key, cov);
params.put(RasterToVectorFactory.BAND.key, Integer.valueOf(0));
params.put(RasterToVectorFactory.BOUNDS.key, env);
params.put(RasterToVectorFactory.OUTSIDE.key, Collections.singleton(0.0d));
You can execute your process by hand in the current thread (we are using a swing progress bar to report progress below).:
ProgressListener progress = new ProgressWindow(null);
Map<String, Object> results = r2v.execute(params, progress);
Using a ProcessorExecutor
The real fun with using the Processes utility class is that you can set up work and then schedule the work in two separate steps. This is a great way to use multi-core processors in your application.
You can then use a
is going to be in charge of running your processes - you can indicate how many threads you want it to keep going at once.A good idea is the number of cores you have plus 1.:
ProcessExecutor schedule = Processors.newProcessExecutor( 3, null );
You can then schedule your process - which will produce a Progress - this is a placeholder object that you can use to retrieve the answer when it is ready.
You can think of it like a “work ticket”.:
Process workTicket = schedule.submit( buffer, input );
When you want the answer:
Map<String,Object> answer = workTicket.get();
- 4 The advantage of this technique is that you can get an object that represents the
activity of doing the work; it will not actually do anything until you need the work done.