
This API was designed with the goal of making the implementation of new processes quick. We have a number of base classes and annotations to make it quick and easy to implement a new process.

Implementing a new Process

By using the interfaces provided in this API, implementing a new process is as easy as following the steps below.

For our example, let’s create a geometry buffer process (the code for this is already included in the process API module).

  1. Create a New Project

    Create a new project for your process using your favorite IDE or maven.

  2. Create Process Factory

    Create a factory for your process in your new project.:

    public class BufferFactory extends AbstractProcessFactory {
        // making parameters available as static constants to help java programmers
        /** Geometry for operation */
        static final Parameter<Geometry> GEOM1 =
        new Parameter<Geometry>("geom1", Geometry.class, Text.text("Geometry"), Text.text("Geometry to buffer") );
        /** Buffer amount */
        static final Parameter<Double> BUFFER =
        new Parameter<Double>("buffer", Double.class, Text.text("Buffer Amount"), Text.text("Amount to buffer the geometry by") );
        * Map used for getParameterInfo; used to describe operation requirements for user
        * interface creation.
        static final Map<String,Parameter<?>> prameterInfo = new TreeMap<String,Parameter<?>>();
        static {
        prameterInfo.put( GEOM1.key, GEOM1 );
        prameterInfo.put( BUFFER.key, BUFFER );
        static final Parameter<Geometry> RESULT =
        new Parameter<Geometry>("result", Geometry.class, Text.text("Result"), Text.text("Result of Geometry.getBuffer( Buffer )") );
        * Map used to describe operation results.
        static final Map<String,Parameter<?>> resultInfo = new TreeMap<String,Parameter<?>>();
        static {
        resultInfo.put( RESULT.key, RESULT );
        public Process create(Map<String, Object> parameters)
                throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return new BufferProcess( this );
        public InternationalString getDescription() {
            return Text.text("Buffer a geometry");
        public Map<String, Parameter<?>> getParameterInfo() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap( prameterInfo );
        public Map<String, Parameter<?>> getResultInfo(
                Map<String, Object> parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap( resultInfo );
        public InternationalString getTitle() {
            // please note that this is a title for display purposes only
            // finding an specific implementation by name is not possible
            return Text.text("Buffer");
        public Process create() throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return new BufferProcess( this );
        public String getName() {
            return "buffer";
        public boolean supportsProgress() {
            return true;
        public String getVersion() {
            return "1.0.0";
  3. Next we need to implement the Process class itself.

    Create Process Class

    Create a new process class and implement the execute method.:

    class BufferProcess extends AbstractProcess {
        private boolean started = false;
        public BufferProcess( BufferFactory bufferFactory ) {
        super( bufferFactory );
        public ProcessFactory getFactory() {
        return factory;
        public Map<String,Object> execute(Map<String,Object> input, ProgressListener monitor){
            if (started) throw new IllegalStateException("Process can only be run once");
            started = true;
            if( monitor == null ) monitor = new NullProgressListener();
            try {
                monitor.setTask( Text.text("Grabbing arguments") );
                monitor.progress( 10.0f );
                Geometry geom1 = (Geometry) input.get( BufferFactory.GEOM1.key );
                Double buffer = (Double) input.get( BufferFactory.BUFFER.key );
                monitor.setTask( Text.text("Processing Buffer") );
                monitor.progress( 25.0f );
                if( monitor.isCanceled() ){
                return null; // user has canceled this operation
                Geometry resultGeom = geom1.buffer(buffer);
                monitor.setTask( Text.text("Encoding result" ));
                monitor.progress( 90.0f );
                Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                result.put( BufferFactory.RESULT.key, resultGeom );
                monitor.complete(); // same as 100.0f
                return result;
            catch (Exception eek){
                return null;
            finally {
  4. Finally, we need to make sure our new factory will get found and listed by the Processors FactoryFinder.

    Create a “services” file to list your factory with the plugin system:

    • /src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.geotools.process.ProcessFactory

  5. List your factories (one per line) in the above file:

  6. When this is combined into a jar; the ProcessFactoryFinder will use the files in META-INF to “discover” your process factory.

  1. Now we can use the new process. Let’s write a JUnit test to ensure it works.

    Create a JUnit test case in the test folder, let’s call it

    public class MyProcessTest extends TestCase {
        public void testBufferProcess() throws Exception {
            // create a Well-Known-Text reader so we can create a quick polygon geometry for our test
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( new GeometryFactory() );
            Geometry geom1 = (Polygon)"POLYGON((20 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 20 10))");
            Double buffer = new Double(213.78);
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            map.put( BufferFactory.GEOM1.key, geom1 );
            map.put( BufferFactory.BUFFER.key, buffer );
            BufferProcess process = new BufferProcess( null );
            Map<String, Object> resultMap = process.execute( map, null );
            assertNotNull( resultMap );
            Object result = resultMap.get(BufferFactory.RESULT.key);
            assertNotNull( result );
            assertTrue( "expected geometry", result instanceof Geometry );
            Geometry bufferedGeom = geom1.buffer(buffer);
            assertTrue( bufferedGeom.equals( (Geometry) result ) );
            // do some more assets to validate the result of your process
  2. Now run your test as a JUnit test. When your test passes, your implementation is complete!