Java Install

GeoTools is written in the Java Programming Language. The library is targeted for Java 11.

Java Run-time Environment:

  • Java 17 - GeoTools 27.x and above (OpenJDK tested)

  • Java 11 - GeoTools 21.x and above (OpenJDK tested)

  • Java 8 - GeoTools 15.x up to and including GeoTools 28.x (OpenJDK and Oracle JRE tested)

  • Java 7 - GeoTools 11.x to GeoTools 14.x (OpenJDK and Oracle JRE tested)

  • Java 6 - GeoTools 8.x to GeoTools 10.x (Oracle JRE tested)

  • Java 5 - GeoTools 2.5.x to GeoTools 8.x (Sun JRE tested)

  • Java 1.4 - GeoTools 2.x to GeoTools 2.4.x (Sun JRE tested)

When developing GeoTools please change your compile options to:

  • IDE: Produce Java 11 compliant code

  • Maven: source=11

GeoTools Java 11 Minium

Java introduced a number of changes to the JVM, most notably the module system (Project Jigsaw). Refer to The State of the Module System for more details.




Compiler Setting


Java 11

GeoTools 21.x

And Above


Java 11

GeoTools 21.x built with Java 11 can only be used in a Java 11 environment (and is not compatible with Java 8). Each jar includes an automatic module name for use on the Java 11 module path.

GeoTools Java 11 development is supported on both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK as downloaded from:

Java 11 Provider






Free Updates

Oracle JDK

Binary Code License






Oracle OpenJDK






RedHat OpenJDK




Adopt OpenJDK







Since the API changes from Java version to version, building a GeoTools version with a newer Java SDK is risky (you may accidentally use a new method). Pull requests are tested against Java 11 and Java 17, but we do ask you to be careful.


Recommended: The SDKMAN! recommended for downloading installing, and swapping between versions of build tools and environments:

  1. Java Development Kit 11 (JDK 11)

    # list to determine latest Temurin JDK 11
    sdk list java 11
    # Installing latest Temurin JDK 11 shown above
    sdk install java
  2. Optional: Java Development Kit 17 (JDK 17)

    # list to determine latest Temurin JDK 17
    sdk list java 17
    # Installing latest Temurin JDK 11 shown above
    sdk install java
  3. GeoTools build process takes advantage of quality assurance tools compatible with the JDK you have installed.

    To change to JDK 11 (using tab completion to review available installs):

    sdk use java 11<tab>

    To change to JDK 17 (using tab completion to review available installs):

    sdk use java 17<tab>

Windows or macOS Install

  1. Download an OpenJDK release for your platform:

  2. Choose the options to:

    • Updating the JAVA_HOME environment variable

    • Add the installation to the PATH environment variable

Package Manager

Installing OpenJDK using your *apt-get or another package manager allows Java to managed and patched alongside your operating system updates.

  • Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk

If you find that you end up installing an older version (or you’d like to use the very latest), consider use of sdk above (or manual installation).

MacOS Homebrew

On macOS the Homebrew package manager provides a “formula” to install OpenJDK:

brew install openjdk@11

Setup JAVA_HOME and PATH environmental variables.

Why JAVA_HOME does not work on Windows

How to use different versions of Java for building and running on windows.

Several projects expect to make use of the latest JRE run-time environment (for speed or new features). If your computer is set up with both a stable JDK for building GeoTools; and an experimental JDK for your other projects you will need to sort out how to switch between them.

One technique is to set up a batch file similar to the following:

  1. Hunt down the cmd.exe ( Start menu > Accessories > Command Prompt) and right click to send it to the desktop

  2. Edit the desktop cmd.exe short cut and change the target to:

    %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /k C:\java\java8.bat
  3. Create the C:\java\java11.bat file mentioned above, e.g. (actual versions may vary, if you have spaces in paths short paths might be required):

    set MAVEN_HOME=C:\java\maven-3.8.6
    set JAVA_HOME="C:\PROGRA~1\ECLIPS~1\jdk-"
    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem
  4. Please note that the construction of the PATH above is very important; JAVA_HOME\bin must appear before SystemRoot\system32 as the system32 contains a stub java.exe that looks up the correct version of Java to run in the registry.

  5. You can see in the above screen snap that the My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft > Java Development Kit > CurrentVersion is set to 1.8.

    The 1.8 entry documents the path to the version of Java to run.

    Placing JAVA_HOME on the path before System32 shortcuts this annoying “feature”.