
To quickly read a GridCoverage we can make use of the grid coverage format support.:

        File file = new File("test.tiff");

        AbstractGridFormat format = GridFormatFinder.findFormat(file);
        GridCoverage2DReader reader = format.getReader(file);

        GridCoverage2D coverage =;

If you already know what kind of file you have you have you can create the reader directly:

File file = new File("test.tiff");

GeoTiffReader reader = new GeoTiffReader(file, new Hints(Hints.FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER, Boolean.TRUE));
GridCoverage2D coverage =;

You can also create a GridCoverage “by hand” if you have a BufferedImage in memory that you would like to place onto a map.

Here is an example of creating a grid coverage from a tile (containing a BufferedImage and a ReferencedEnvelope location:

        GridCoverage2D coverage =;

        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem2D();
        Bounds env = coverage.getEnvelope();
        RenderedImage image = coverage.getRenderedImage();


Once we have created a GridCoverage2D, we can then use the class to perform useful tasks. Many uses require access to the class itself but more generic uses can interact with the instance through its OpenGIS GridCoverage interface.

GridCoverage2D provides access to:

        GridCoverageFactory factory = new GridCoverageFactory();
        GridCoverage2D coverage = factory.create("GridCoverage", bufferedImage, referencedEnvelope);

GridCovearge2D supports simple use directly using the methods above. For more complex uses we go through the Operations class as explained in the next section.

You can also evaluate the coverage at a specific point in order to determine what values are present at that location.:

        GridCoverage2D coverage =;

        // direct access
        Position position = new Position2D(crs, x, y);

        double[] sample = (double[]) coverage.evaluate(position); // assume double

        // resample with the same array
        sample = coverage.evaluate(position, sample);


We can trivially get an AWT image from a GridCoverage2D with a simple call to the getRenderedImage() method. The result is a standard RenderedImage.

Obviously we can combine two of these steps to go directly from the created grid coverage to the final image:

RenderedImage ri = myGridCoverage.getView(ViewType.GEOPHYSICS).getRenderedImage();

It should be possible, when generating the RenderedImage to specify the color scheme to use for that particular image. Currently this is handled as part of the rendering process using a RasterSymbolizer.


The coverage module provides some powerful methods to use the different views of the grid coverage. Many of these uses are backed by the standard JAI mechanisms behind the scenes, sometimes combined with the georeferencing operations of the referencing module.

The GeoTools coverage module provides Operations for convenience, this class bundles up the sophisticated and powerful internal mechanism of the processing package. The package summary in javadocs begins the explanation of the internal mechanism. This documentation page will need to be expanded with a better explanation of the coverage module operation system.

The basic pattern of the operations mechanism runs as follows:

  1. Instantiate a new Processor

  2. Get the parameter group for the desired operation

  3. Configure the parameters in the parameter group

  4. Call the doOperation(..) method on the Processor

    With several options for configuration along the way.


The Operations class provides a default instance with a series of methods to perform operations on a grid coverage. We use the static instance Operations.DEFAULT which acts merely as a convenience wrapper around the DefaultProcessor.doOperation(..) method and provides type safety and a simpler argument list.

When using GeoTools implementations of operations; for any methods which return a Coverage we can safely cast them to a GridCoverage2D.


We can create a new grid coverage which is a resampling of the original grid coverage into a new image. We start by defining the georeferenced geometry of the resulting image and then call the resample(..) method of the Operations.DEFAULT instance.

A new GridGeometry class can be defined using either an Envelope, height and width for convenience or, like for the GridCoverage2D constructor, using the MathTransform and CoordinateReferencingSystem instead of the envelope.

Then we can invoke the resample(..) operation.:

GridGeometry mygg = new GridGeometry(...);
GridCoverage2D covresample = (GridCoverage2D) Operations.DEFAULT.resample(scicov,mygg);
Georeferencing Transformation

We can use the resample(..) method to transform any GridCoverage to another CRS.:

CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:32632");
GridCoverage2D covtransformed = (GridCoverage2D) Operations.DEFAULT.resample(scicov,targetCRS);

Wow, this is getting fun!

This georeferencing transformation works backwards from what one might naively expect and from what happens with vector data. With vector data, transformations take the positions in the original referencing system and calculate the positions in the target referencing system. In the GridCoverage system, we are expecting a regular grid in the target referencing system. Therefore, we first calculate the position of the grid points in the target referencing system, then, for each, we calculate the equivalent position in the original referencing system and estimate the value which the original grid would have at that calculated position. This is why we go through the resample(..) operation.


Similarly, we can interpolate an image using the Operations class. In this case we need to pick the interpolation method we will use.: interp = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BILINEAR);
GridCoverage2D covinterpol =  (GridCoverage2D) Operations.DEFAULT.interpolate(scicov, interp);
RenderedImage ri = covinterpol.getRenderedImage();


The Crop operation provides a way to crop (cut) a GridCoverage in order to obtain a sub-area defined by an Envelope.:

final AbstractProcessor processor = new DefaultProcessor(null);

final ParameterValueGroup param = processor.getOperation("CoverageCrop").getParameters();

GridCoverage2D coverage = ...{get a coverage from somewhere}...;
final GeneralEnvelope crop = new GeneralEnvelope( ... );
param.parameter("Source").setValue( coverage );
param.parameter("Envelope").setValue( crop );

GridCoverage2D cropped = (GridCoverage2D) processor.doOperation(param);

Available Operations

The package summary javadoc should contain the full list of available operations. Unfortunately, the system is not automatic so it is possible to create new operations without documenting them.

The full list of available operations can be obtained from the library with:

final DefaultProcessor proc = new DefaultProcessor(null);
for (Operation o : proc.getOperations() ){

Creating new Operations

Users can create their own operations and add them to the operation system.


We can combine several GridCoverage2D instances into a 3 dimensional stack of coverages using the CoverageStack class.

Utility classes

GeoTools coverage module also provides some utility code.


This is a wrapper around another coverage which allows us to call the .evaluate(..) method with coordinate and time values rather than forcing us to create the appropriate Position argument.