Commons Pool ------------ The Commons Pool project is built around a single idea - the creation of an ``ObjectPool``. This page captures our "best practices" discovered over the course of building the GeoTools project. References: * ObjectPool as a Cache ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can configure an ``SoftReferenceObjectPool`` to use weak references, the result functions the same as a cache. ObjectPool for Interning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can configure an ``ObjectPool`` to use weak references in order to "Intern" objects and prevent duplicates from being used in your application. ObjectPool as a Pool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First comes the set up - so the object pool can create the objects as needed.:: public interface KeyedPoolableObjectFactory { Object makeObject(Object key); void activateObject(Object key, Object obj); void passivateObject(Object key, Object obj); boolean validateObject(Object key, Object obj); void destroyObject(Object key, Object obj); } ObjectPool Configuration '''''''''''''''''''''''' And then comes the configuration (of ``GenericKeyedObjectPool`` ): * Number of Objects ``maxActive`` capacity of created objects ``maxIdle`` maximum number of lurkers * What to do when at capacity: ``whenExhausedAction`` fail, grow or block when capacity reached * When to check objects in pool ``testOnBorrow`` Check with ``validateObject`` when borrowed ``testOnreturn`` Check with ``validateObject`` when returned ``testWhenIdle`` Check with ``validateObject`` from the eviction thread * Eviction Thread ``timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis`` Time to sleep ``minEvictableIdleTimeMills`` time to wait before an object could be cleaned up The way it works is this, for a ``maxActive`` of 20 at most 20 objects will be created. If they are all returned the pool will throw the instances away until it has ``maxIdle`` (this is kind of its comfort zone). After this point each object will have to time out (based on ``minEvictableIdleTimeMills``) before it is reclaimed.:: maxActive /--This is the absolute capacity of our ``ObjectCache`` | | Objects are immediately evicted when they are not in use | \-> ``maxIdle`` /-- This is the "comfort zone" that your ``ObjectCache`` will try for under heavy use | | Objects are evicted when they have not been used, every ``minEvictableIdleTimeMills`` | \-> Empty Eviction '''''''' Here is how eviction works: 1. it will grab ``numTestsPerEvictionRun`` objects from the pool 2. for any object that has exceeded ``minEvictableIdleTimeMillis`` it will call ``validateObject`` 3. it will throw away any object that fails the ``validateObject`` test 4. If we have less than ``minIdle`` left in the pool new objects will be spawned You can perform eviction in a thread controlled by setting ``testWhenIdle`` and providing a value for ``timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis``. GenericObjectPool Configuration ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ``GenericObjectPool`` introduces the concept of a "soft min" operating as a preferred number object objects to hold in reserved (even when we are completely idle). This concept is a little freaky in that it looks like the ``GenericObjectPool`` will create these objects in a background thread even if nothing is going on. ``minIdle`` minimum number of lurkers ``softMinEvictableIdleTimeMills`` time to wait before an object is cleaned up The way it works is this, for a ``maxActive`` of 20 at most 20 objects will be created. If they are all returned the pool will throw the instances away until it has ``maxIdle`` (this is kind of its comfort zone). As each object times out we will be left with ``minIdle`` number of objects in the pool.:: maxActive /--This is the absolute capacity of our ``ObjectCache`` | | Objects are immediately evicted when they are not in use | \-> ``maxIdle`` /-- This is the "comfort zone" that your ``ObjectCache`` will try for under heavy use | | Objects are evicted when they have not been used, every ``minEvictableIdleTimeMills`` | \-> ``minIdle`` /-> This is the number of Objects reserved when we are completely idle | | Objects are spawned as needed, every ``softMinEvictableIdleTimeMills`` | \-- Empty