Class SchemaIndexImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaIndexImpl

        public SchemaIndexImpl​(XSDSchema[] schemas)
    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Cleans up the index before desctruction.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface SchemaIndex
      • getSchemas

        public XSDSchema[] getSchemas()
        Specified by:
        getSchemas in interface SchemaIndex
        The schema itself.
      • getImports

        public XSDImport[] getImports()
      • getIncludes

        public XSDInclude[] getIncludes()
      • getElementDeclaration

        public XSDElementDeclaration getElementDeclaration​(QName qName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the element declaration with the specified qualified name.
        Specified by:
        getElementDeclaration in interface SchemaIndex
        qName - the qualified name of the element.
        The element declaration, or null if no such element declaration exists.
      • getAttributeDeclaration

        public XSDAttributeDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration​(QName qName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the attribute declaration with the specified qualified name.
        Specified by:
        getAttributeDeclaration in interface SchemaIndex
        qName - the qualified name of the attribute.
        The attribute declaration, or null if no such attribute declaration exists.
      • getAttributeGroupDefinition

        public XSDAttributeGroupDefinition getAttributeGroupDefinition​(QName qName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the attribute group definition with the specified qualified name.
        Specified by:
        getAttributeGroupDefinition in interface SchemaIndex
        qName - the qualified name of the attribute group.
        The attribute group definition, or null if no such attribute group definition exists.
      • getComplexTypeDefinition

        public XSDComplexTypeDefinition getComplexTypeDefinition​(QName qName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the complex type definition with the specified qualified name.
        Specified by:
        getComplexTypeDefinition in interface SchemaIndex
        qName - qualified name of the complex type.
        The complex type definition, or null if no such complex type definition exists.
      • getSimpleTypeDefinition

        public XSDSimpleTypeDefinition getSimpleTypeDefinition​(QName qName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the simple type definition with the specified qualified name.
        Specified by:
        getSimpleTypeDefinition in interface SchemaIndex
        qName - qualified name of the simple type.
        The simple type definition, or null if no such simple type definition exists.
      • getTypeDefinition

        public XSDTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition​(QName qName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the type definition with the specified qualified name.
        Specified by:
        getTypeDefinition in interface SchemaIndex
        qName - qualified name of the type.
        The type definition, or null if no such type definition exists.
      • lookup

        protected XSDNamedComponent lookup​(Map index,
                                           QName qName)
      • children

        protected OrderedMap<QName,​XSDParticle> children​(XSDElementDeclaration parent)
      • getChildElement

        public XSDElementDeclaration getChildElement​(XSDElementDeclaration parent,
                                                     QName childName)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns a child element specified by name of a parent element.
        Specified by:
        getChildElement in interface SchemaIndex
        parent - The parent element.
        childName - The name of the child.
        The element declaration, or null if no such child exists.
      • getChildElementParticles

        public List<XSDParticle> getChildElementParticles​(XSDElementDeclaration parent)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns a list of the particles which correspond to child element declarations.
        Specified by:
        getChildElementParticles in interface SchemaIndex
        parent - The parent element.
        A list of XSDParticle.
      • getAttributes

        public List getAttributes​(XSDElementDeclaration element)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaIndex
        Returns the attributes of a specified elements.
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface SchemaIndex
        element - The element.
        The list of attributed definied for the element.
      • getElementIndex

        protected HashMap getElementIndex()
      • getAttributeIndex

        protected HashMap getAttributeIndex()
      • getAttributeGroupIndex

        protected HashMap getAttributeGroupIndex()
      • getComplexTypeIndex

        protected HashMap getComplexTypeIndex()
      • getSimpleTypeIndex

        protected HashMap getSimpleTypeIndex()
      • buildElementIndex

        protected void buildElementIndex()
      • buildAttriubuteIndex

        protected void buildAttriubuteIndex()
      • buildAttributeGroupIndex

        protected void buildAttributeGroupIndex()
      • buildComplexTypeIndex

        protected void buildComplexTypeIndex()
      • buildSimpleTypeIndex

        protected void buildSimpleTypeIndex()