Class Schemas

  • public class Schemas
    extends Object
    Utility class for performing various operations.
    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void dispose​(XSDSchema schema)
      Remove all references to a schema It is important to call this method for every dynamic schema created that is not needed anymore, because references in the static schema's will otherwise keep it alive forever
      static List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> findSchemaLocationResolvers​(Configuration configuration)
      Finds all XSDSchemaLocationResolver's used by the configuration.
      static SchemaIndex findSchemas​(Configuration configuration)
      Finds all the XSDSchemas used by the configuration by looking at the configuration's schema locator and its dependencies.
      static List<XSDParticle> getAnyElementParticles​(XSDTypeDefinition type)
      Returns a list of all xs:any element particles that correspond to element declarations of the specified type.
      static XSDAttributeDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration​(XSDElementDeclaration element, QName qName)
      Returns an attribute declaration that is contained in the type of another element declaration.
      static List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getAttributeDeclarations​(XSDElementDeclaration element)
      Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (or any base type) of the specified element.
      static List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getAttributeDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type)
      Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (or any base type) of the specified element.
      static List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getAttributeDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type, boolean includeParents)
      Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (and optionally any base type) of the specified element.
      static XSDTypeDefinition getBaseTypeDefinition​(XSDTypeDefinition type, QName parentTypeName)
      Returns the base type defintion of type named parentTypeName.
      static XSDElementDeclaration getChildElementDeclaration​(XSDElementDeclaration parent, QName qName)
      Returns an element declaration that is contained in the type of another element declaration.
      static List getChildElementDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type)
      Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified type, no order is guaranteed.
      static List<XSDElementDeclaration> getChildElementDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type, boolean includeParents)
      Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified type, no order is guaranteed.
      static XSDParticle getChildElementParticle​(XSDTypeDefinition type, String name, boolean includeParents)
      Returns the particle for an element declaration that is part of a type.
      static List<XSDParticle> getChildElementParticles​(XSDTypeDefinition type, boolean includeParents)
      Returns a list of all child element particles that corresponde to element declarations of the specified type, no order is guaranteed.
      static List<ComponentAdapter> getComponentAdaptersOfType​(PicoContainer container, Class clazz)
      Obtains all component adapters of a particular class from a container by navigating up the container hierarchy.
      static <T> List<T> getComponentInstancesOfType​(PicoContainer container, Class<T> clazz)
      Obtains all instances of a particular class from a container by navigating up the container hierachy.
      static List<XSDElementDeclaration> getDerivedElementDeclarations​(XSDElementDeclaration element)
      Returns a list of all top level elements that are of a type derived from the type of the specified element.
      static XSDElementDeclaration getElementDeclaration​(XSDSchema schema, QName name)
      Searches schema for an element which matches name.
      static List getImports​(XSDSchema schema)
      Returns a flat list of imports from the specified schema.
      static List getIncludes​(XSDSchema schema)
      Returns a flat list of includes from the specified schema.
      static int getMaxOccurs​(XSDComplexTypeDefinition type, XSDElementDeclaration element)
      Returns the minimum number of occurences of an element within a complex type.
      static int getMinOccurs​(XSDComplexTypeDefinition type, XSDElementDeclaration element)
      Returns the minimum number of occurences of an element within a complex type.
      static QName getParticleName​(XSDParticle particle)
      Returns the name of the element represented by the particle as a QName.
      static String getTargetPrefix​(XSDSchema schema)
      Returns the namespace prefix mapped to the targetNamespace of the schema.
      static XSDImport importSchema​(XSDSchema schema, XSDSchema importee)
      Imports one schema into another.
      static boolean isBaseType​(XSDElementDeclaration e1, XSDElementDeclaration e2)
      Determines if the type of an element is a sub-type of another element.
      static boolean nameMatches​(XSDNamedComponent component, QName qName)
      Method for comparing the name of a schema component to a qualified name.
      static XSDSchema parse​(String location)
      Parses a schema at the specified location.
      static XSDSchema parse​(String location, List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators, List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> resolvers)
      Parses a schema at the specified location.
      static XSDSchema parse​(String location, List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators, List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> resolvers, List<URIHandler> uriHandlers)
      Parses a schema at the specified location.
      static XSDSchema parse​(String location, ResourceSet resourceSet)  
      static void unregisterComponent​(PicoContainer container, Object key)
      Unregisters a component in the container and all parent containers.
      static List validateImportsIncludes​(String location)  
      static List validateImportsIncludes​(String location, List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators, List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> resolvers)  
      static List validateImportsIncludes​(String location, XSDSchemaLocator[] locators, XSDSchemaLocationResolver[] resolvers)  
    • Constructor Detail

      • Schemas

        public Schemas()
    • Method Detail

      • findSchemas

        public static final SchemaIndex findSchemas​(Configuration configuration)
        Finds all the XSDSchemas used by the configuration by looking at the configuration's schema locator and its dependencies.
        configuration - the Configuration for which to find all its related schemas
        a SchemaIndex holding the schemas related to configuration
      • findSchemaLocationResolvers

        public static List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> findSchemaLocationResolvers​(Configuration configuration)
        Finds all XSDSchemaLocationResolver's used by the configuration.
        configuration - The parser configuration.
        A list of location resolvers, empty if none found.
      • parse

        public static final XSDSchema parse​(String location)
                                     throws IOException
        Parses a schema at the specified location.
        location - A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
        The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
        IOException - In the event of a schema parsing error.
      • parse

        public static final XSDSchema parse​(String location,
                                            List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators,
                                            List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> resolvers)
                                     throws IOException
        Parses a schema at the specified location.
        location - A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
        locators - A list of schema locator objects to be used when parsing imports/includes of the main schema.
        resolvers - A list of schema location resolvers used to override schema locations encountered in an instance document or an imported schema.
        The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
        IOException - In the event of a schema parsing error.
      • parse

        public static final XSDSchema parse​(String location,
                                            List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators,
                                            List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> resolvers,
                                            List<URIHandler> uriHandlers)
                                     throws IOException
        Parses a schema at the specified location.
        location - A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
        locators - A list of schema locator objects to be used when parsing imports/includes of the main schema.
        resolvers - A list of schema location resolvers used to override schema locations encountered in an instance document or an imported schema.
        uriHandlers - A list of uri handlers to inject into the parsing chain, to handle externally referenced resources, like external schemas, etc...
        The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
        IOException - In the event of a schema parsing error.
      • importSchema

        public static final XSDImport importSchema​(XSDSchema schema,
                                                   XSDSchema importee)
                                            throws IOException
        Imports one schema into another.
        schema - The schema being imported into.
        importee - The schema being imported.
        The import object.
      • dispose

        public static final void dispose​(XSDSchema schema)
        Remove all references to a schema It is important to call this method for every dynamic schema created that is not needed anymore, because references in the static schema's will otherwise keep it alive forever
        schema - to be flushed
      • validateImportsIncludes

        public static final List validateImportsIncludes​(String location,
                                                         XSDSchemaLocator[] locators,
                                                         XSDSchemaLocationResolver[] resolvers)
                                                  throws IOException
      • validateImportsIncludes

        public static final List validateImportsIncludes​(String location,
                                                         List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators,
                                                         List<XSDSchemaLocationResolver> resolvers)
                                                  throws IOException
      • getChildElementDeclarations

        public static final List getChildElementDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type)
        Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified type, no order is guaranteed.
        type - The type.
        A list of @link XSDElementDeclaration objects, one for each child element.
      • getChildElementParticle

        public static final XSDParticle getChildElementParticle​(XSDTypeDefinition type,
                                                                String name,
                                                                boolean includeParents)
        Returns the particle for an element declaration that is part of a type.
        type - The type definition.
        name - The naem of the child element declaration.
        includeParents - Flag to control wether parent types are included.
        The particle representing the element declaration, or null if it could not be found.
      • getChildElementParticles

        public static final List<XSDParticle> getChildElementParticles​(XSDTypeDefinition type,
                                                                       boolean includeParents)
        Returns a list of all child element particles that corresponde to element declarations of the specified type, no order is guaranteed.

        The includeParents flag controls if this method should returns those elements defined on parent types.

        type - THe type.
        includeParents - flag indicating if parent types should be processed
        A list of XSDParticle.
      • getAnyElementParticles

        public static final List<XSDParticle> getAnyElementParticles​(XSDTypeDefinition type)
        Returns a list of all xs:any element particles that correspond to element declarations of the specified type.
        type - The type.
        A list of XSDParticle.
      • getChildElementDeclarations

        public static final List<XSDElementDeclaration> getChildElementDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type,
                                                                                    boolean includeParents)
        Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified type, no order is guaranteed.

        The includeParents flag controls if this method should returns those elements defined on parent types.

        type - The type
        includeParents - flag indicating if parent types should be processed
        A list of @link XSDElementDeclaration objects, one for each child element.
      • getBaseTypeDefinition

        public static final XSDTypeDefinition getBaseTypeDefinition​(XSDTypeDefinition type,
                                                                    QName parentTypeName)
        Returns the base type defintion of type named parentTypeName.

        This method will handle the case in which the parentTypeName == type.getTypeName(). If no such parent type is found this method will return null.

        type - The type.
        parentTypeName - The name of the base type to return.
        The base type, or null if it could not be found.
      • isBaseType

        public static final boolean isBaseType​(XSDElementDeclaration e1,
                                               XSDElementDeclaration e2)
        Determines if the type of an element is a sub-type of another element.
        e1 - The element.
        e2 - The element to be tested as a base type.
      • getMinOccurs

        public static final int getMinOccurs​(XSDComplexTypeDefinition type,
                                             XSDElementDeclaration element)
        Returns the minimum number of occurences of an element within a complex type.
        type - The type definition containg the declaration element
        element - The declaration of the element.
        The minimum number of occurences.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the element declaration cannot be locaated withing the type definition.
      • getMaxOccurs

        public static final int getMaxOccurs​(XSDComplexTypeDefinition type,
                                             XSDElementDeclaration element)
        Returns the minimum number of occurences of an element within a complex type.
        type - The type definition containg the declaration element
        element - The declaration of the element.
        The minimum number of occurences.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the element declaration cannot be locaated withing the type definition.
      • getChildElementDeclaration

        public static final XSDElementDeclaration getChildElementDeclaration​(XSDElementDeclaration parent,
                                                                             QName qName)
        Returns an element declaration that is contained in the type of another element declaration. The following strategy is used to locate the child element declaration.
        1. The immediate children of the specified element are examined, if a match is found, it is returned. If 1. does not match, global elements that derive from the immediate children are examined.
        parent - the containing element declaration
        qName - the qualified name of the contained element
        The contained element declaration, or false if containment is not satisfied.
      • getDerivedElementDeclarations

        public static final List<XSDElementDeclaration> getDerivedElementDeclarations​(XSDElementDeclaration element)
        Returns a list of all top level elements that are of a type derived from the type of the specified element.
        element - The element.
        All elements which are of a type derived from the type of the specified element.
      • getAttributeDeclarations

        public static final List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getAttributeDeclarations​(XSDElementDeclaration element)
        Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (or any base type) of the specified element.

        This method is just a shortcut for getAttributeDeclarations(element.getType()

        element - The element.
        A list of @link XSDAttributeDeclaration objects, one for each attribute of the element.
      • getAttributeDeclarations

        public static final List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getAttributeDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type)
        Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (or any base type) of the specified element.
        type - The type definition
        A list of @link XSDAttributeDeclaration objects, one for each attribute of the element.
      • getAttributeDeclarations

        public static final List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getAttributeDeclarations​(XSDTypeDefinition type,
                                                                                   boolean includeParents)
        Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (and optionally any base type) of the specified element.
        type - The element type
        includeParents - Wether to include parent types.
        A list of @link XSDAttributeDeclaration objects, one for each attribute of the element.
      • getAttributeDeclaration

        public static final XSDAttributeDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration​(XSDElementDeclaration element,
                                                                            QName qName)
        Returns an attribute declaration that is contained in the type of another element declaration.
        element - The containing element declaration.
        qName - The qualified name of the contained attribute
        The contained attribute declaration, or false if containment is not satisfied.
      • getImports

        public static final List getImports​(XSDSchema schema)
        Returns a flat list of imports from the specified schema.

        The method recurses into imported schemas. The list returned is filtered so that duplicate includes are removed. Two includes are considered equal if they have the same target namespace.

        schema - The top-level schema.
        A list containing objects of type XSDImport.
      • getIncludes

        public static final List getIncludes​(XSDSchema schema)
        Returns a flat list of includes from the specified schema.

        The method recurses into included schemas. The list returned is filtered so that duplicate includes are removed. Two includes are considered equal if they have the same uri location

        schema - The top-level schema.
        A list containing objects of type XSDInclude.
      • getElementDeclaration

        public static XSDElementDeclaration getElementDeclaration​(XSDSchema schema,
                                                                  QName name)
        Searches schema for an element which matches name.
        schema - The schema
        name - The element to search for
        The element declaration, or null if it could not be found.
      • nameMatches

        public static final boolean nameMatches​(XSDNamedComponent component,
                                                QName qName)
        Method for comparing the name of a schema component to a qualified name. The component name and the qualified name match if both the namespaces match, and the local parts match. Prefixes are ignored. Two strings will match if one of the following conditions hold.
        • Both strings are null.
        • Both strings are the empty string.
        • One string is null, and the other is the empty string.
        • Both strings are non-null and non-empty and equals() return true.
        component - The component in question.
        qName - The qualifined name.
      • getTargetPrefix

        public static String getTargetPrefix​(XSDSchema schema)
        Returns the namespace prefix mapped to the targetNamespace of the schema.
        schema - The schema in question.
        The namesapce prefix, or null if not found.
      • getComponentInstancesOfType

        public static <T> List<T> getComponentInstancesOfType​(PicoContainer container,
                                                              Class<T> clazz)
        Obtains all instances of a particular class from a container by navigating up the container hierachy.
        container - The container.
        clazz - The class.
        A list of all instances of clazz, or the empty list if none found.
      • getComponentAdaptersOfType

        public static List<ComponentAdapter> getComponentAdaptersOfType​(PicoContainer container,
                                                                        Class clazz)
        Obtains all component adapters of a particular class from a container by navigating up the container hierarchy.
        container - The container.
        clazz - The class.
        A list of all adapters for components of class clazz, or the empty list if none found.
      • unregisterComponent

        public static void unregisterComponent​(PicoContainer container,
                                               Object key)
        Unregisters a component in the container and all parent containers.
        container - The container.
        key - The key of the component.
      • getParticleName

        public static QName getParticleName​(XSDParticle particle)
        Returns the name of the element represented by the particle as a QName.