Class Parser

  • public class Parser
    extends Object
    GeoTools XML parser.

    This parser uses a sax based driver to parse an input stream into a single object. For streaming look at StreamingParser. If the source document being parsed as already been parsed into a Document the DOMParser class may be used.

    Schema Resolution

    See Configuration javadocs for instructions on how to customize schema resolution. This is often desirable in the case that the instance document being parsed contains invalid uri's in schema imports and includes.
    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
    • Constructor Detail

      • Parser

        public Parser​(Configuration configuration)
        Creates a new instance of the parser.
        configuration - The parser configuration, bindings and context, must never be null .
    • Method Detail

      • setContextCustomizer

        public void setContextCustomizer​(ParserHandler.ContextCustomizer contextCustomizer)
        Allows the caller to customize the Pico context used for parsing
      • setStrict

        public void setStrict​(boolean strict)
        Sets the strict parsing flag.

        When set to true, this will cause the parser to operate in a strict mode, which means that xml being parsed must be exactly correct with respect to the schema it references.

        Some examples of cases in which the parser will throw an exception while operating in strict mode:

        • no 'schemaLocation' specified, or specified incorrectly
        • element found which is not declared in the schema
        strict - The strict flag.
      • setValidating

        public void setValidating​(boolean validating)
        Sets the flag controlling whether the parser should validate or not.
        validating - Validation flag, true to validate, otherwise false
      • isValidating

        public boolean isValidating()
        Flag determining if the parser is validatin or not.
      • setFailOnValidationError

        public void setFailOnValidationError​(boolean fail)
        Sets the flag which controls how the parser handles validation errors.

        When this flag is set, the parser will throw an exception when it encounters a validation error. Otherwise the error will be stored, retrievable from getValidationErrors().

        The default behavior is to set this flag to false. So client code should explicitly set this flag if it is desired that the exception be thrown when the validation error occurs.

        fail - failure flag, true to fail, otherwise false
      • isFailOnValidationError

        public boolean isFailOnValidationError()
        The flag determining how the parser deals with validation errors.
      • setHandleMixedContent

        public void setHandleMixedContent​(boolean handleMixedContent)
        Sets flag that controls whether the parser will process mixed content in a way that preserves order of child elements and text.
      • isHandleMixedContent

        public boolean isHandleMixedContent()
        Flag that controls whether the parser will process mixed content in a way that preserves order of child elements and text.

        By default the parser will simply concatenate blindly all child text and not preserve order with respect to other elements within a mixed content type.

      • setForceParserDelegate

        public void setForceParserDelegate​(boolean forceParserDelegate)
        Sets Flag that forces of the check for ParserDelegate even in cases where an element can be parsed normally.
        See Also:
      • isForceParserDelegate

        public boolean isForceParserDelegate()
        Flag that forces of the check for ParserDelegate even in cases where an element can be parsed normally.

        By default the parser will only lookup parser delegates when the element is unrecognized with regard to the schema and can't be parsed normally.

      • setEntityResolver

        public void setEntityResolver​(EntityResolver entityResolver)
        Set EntityResolver
      • getEntityResolver

        public EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
        Get EntityResolver
      • setRootElementType

        public void setRootElementType​(QName typeName)
        Informs the parser of the type of the root element to be used in cases where it can not be inferred.

        This method is used in cases where the element being parsed is not declared as global in the schema.

        typeName - The type name of the root element.
      • getValidationErrors

        public List<Exception> getValidationErrors()
        Returns a list of any validation errors that occured while parsing.
        A list of errors, or an empty list if none.
      • getSchemas

        public XSDSchema[] getSchemas()
        Returns the schema objects referenced by the instance document being parsed. This method can only be called after a successful parse has begun.
        The schema objects used to parse the document, or null if parsing has not commenced.
      • getNamespaces

        public ParserNamespaceSupport getNamespaces()
        Returns the namespace mappings maintained by the parser.

        Clients may register additional namespace mappings. This is useful when an application wishes to provide some "default" namespace mappings.

        Clients should register namespace mappings in the current "context", ie do not call NamespaceSupport.pushContext(). Example: Parser parser = new Parser( ... ); parser.getNamespaces().declarePrefix( "foo", "" ); ...

        The namespace support containing prefix to uri mappings.
      • getURIHandlers

        public List<URIHandler> getURIHandlers()
        Returns the list of URIHandler used when parsing schemas.

        URI handlers are invoked to handle external references that occur during parsing.

      • getEntityExpansionLimit

        public Optional<Integer> getEntityExpansionLimit()
      • setEntityExpansionLimit

        public void setEntityExpansionLimit​(Integer entityExpansionLimit)