Class EMFUtils

  • public class EMFUtils
    extends Object
    Utility methods for working with emf model objects.
    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project,
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void add​(EObject eobject, String property, Object value)
      Adds a value to a multi-valued propert of an eobject.
      static void add​(EObject eobject, EStructuralFeature feature, Object value)
      Adds a value to a multi-valued propert of an eobject.
      static EObject clone​(EObject prototype, EFactory factory, boolean deep)
      Clones an eobject, with the option of performing a deep clone in which referenced eobjects are also cloned.
      static void copy​(EObject source, EObject target)
      Copies all the properties from one object to anoter.
      static EStructuralFeature feature​(EObject eobject, String property)
      Method which looks up a structure feature of an eobject, first doing an exact name match, then a case insensitive one.
      static List<EStructuralFeature> features​(EObject eobject, Class<?> propertyType)
      Method which looks up structural features of an eobject by type.
      static List<Object> get​(List objects, String property)
      Obtains the values of a particular property on each EObject in a list.
      static Object get​(EObject eobject, String property)
      Gets the property of an eobject.
      static Object getFromMap​(EObject eobject, String property, Object key)
      Returns a value from a map based property of an eobject.
      static Object getFromMapSafe​(EObject eobject, String property, String key)
      Returns a value from a map based property of an eobject, handling null cases and the case where the property is not actually a map.
      static boolean has​(EObject eobject, String property)
      Determines if an eobject has a particular property.
      static boolean isCollection​(EObject eobject, String property)
      Determines if a property of an eobject is a collection.
      static boolean isCollection​(EObject eobject, EStructuralFeature feature)
      Determines if a feature of an eobject is a collection.
      static boolean isSet​(List objects, String property)
      Determines if a particular propety has been set on each EObject in a list.
      static boolean isSet​(EObject eobject, String property)
      Determines if a particular propety has been set on an eobject.
      static boolean isUnset​(List objects, String property)
      Determines if a particular propety is unset on each EObject in a list.
      static void set​(List objects, String property, Object value)
      Sets a particular property on each EObject in a list to a particular value.
      static void set​(List objects, String property, List values)
      Sets a particular property on each EObject in a list to a particular value.
      static void set​(EObject eobject, String property, Object value)
      Sets a property of an eobject.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EMFUtils

        public EMFUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • has

        public static boolean has​(EObject eobject,
                                  String property)
        Determines if an eobject has a particular property.
        eobject - The eobject.
        property - The property to check for.
        true if the property exists, otherwise false
      • set

        public static void set​(EObject eobject,
                               String property,
                               Object value)
        Sets a property of an eobject.
        eobject - THe object.
        property - The property to set.
        value - The value of the property.
      • get

        public static Object get​(EObject eobject,
                                 String property)
        Gets the property of an eobject.
        eobject - The object.
        property - The property to get.
        The value of the property.
      • getFromMap

        public static Object getFromMap​(EObject eobject,
                                        String property,
                                        Object key)
        Returns a value from a map based property of an eobject.

        This method does not sort of checking of the property, use getFromMapSafe(EObject, String, String) for more leniency.

        eobject - The object.
        property - The map property.
        key - The key to obtain from the map.
        The map value, possibly null.
      • getFromMapSafe

        public static Object getFromMapSafe​(EObject eobject,
                                            String property,
                                            String key)
        Returns a value from a map based property of an eobject, handling null cases and the case where the property is not actually a map.

        This method returns null in cases where the the property does not exist, or it is not a map.

        eobject - The object.
        property - The map property.
        key - The key to obtain from the map.
        The map value, possibly null.
      • add

        public static void add​(EObject eobject,
                               String property,
                               Object value)
        Adds a value to a multi-valued propert of an eobject.

        The property must map to a multi-valued property of the eobject. The isCollection(EObject, String) method can be used to test this.

        eobject - The object.
        property - The multi-valued property.
        value - The value to add.
      • add

        public static void add​(EObject eobject,
                               EStructuralFeature feature,
                               Object value)
        Adds a value to a multi-valued propert of an eobject.

        The feature must map to a multi-valued property of the eobject. The #isCollection(EStructuralFeature) method can be used to test this.

        eobject - The object.
        feature - The multi-valued feature.
        value - The value to add.
      • isCollection

        public static boolean isCollection​(EObject eobject,
                                           String property)
        Determines if a property of an eobject is a collection.

        In the event the property does not exist, this method will return false

        true if hte property is a collection, otherwise false
      • isCollection

        public static boolean isCollection​(EObject eobject,
                                           EStructuralFeature feature)
        Determines if a feature of an eobject is a collection.
        true if the feature is a collection, otherwise false
      • feature

        public static EStructuralFeature feature​(EObject eobject,
                                                 String property)
        Method which looks up a structure feature of an eobject, first doing an exact name match, then a case insensitive one.
        eobject - The eobject.
        property - The property
        The structure feature, or null if not found.
      • features

        public static List<EStructuralFeature> features​(EObject eobject,
                                                        Class<?> propertyType)
        Method which looks up structural features of an eobject by type.
        eobject - The eobject.
        propertyType - The type of the properties.
        The list of structure features, or an empty list if none are found.
      • set

        public static void set​(List objects,
                               String property,
                               List values)
        Sets a particular property on each EObject in a list to a particular value.

        The following must hold: objects.size() == values.size()

        objects - A list of EObject.
        property - The property to set on each eobject in objects
        values - The value to set on each eobjct in objects
      • set

        public static void set​(List objects,
                               String property,
                               Object value)
        Sets a particular property on each EObject in a list to a particular value.

        objects - A list of EObject.
        property - The property to set on each eobject in objects
        value - The value to set on each eobjct in objects
      • get

        public static List<Object> get​(List objects,
                                       String property)
        Obtains the values of a particular property on each EObject in a list.
        objects - A list of EObject.
        property - The property to obtain.
        The list of values.
      • isSet

        public static boolean isSet​(EObject eobject,
                                    String property)
        Determines if a particular propety has been set on an eobject.
        eobject - The eobject.
        property - The property to check.
        true if the property has been set, otherwise false
      • isSet

        public static boolean isSet​(List objects,
                                    String property)
        Determines if a particular propety has been set on each EObject in a list.
        objects - A list of EObject
        property - The property to check.
        true if every element in the list has been set, otherwise false
      • isUnset

        public static boolean isUnset​(List objects,
                                      String property)
        Determines if a particular propety is unset on each EObject in a list.
        objects - A list of EObject
        property - The property to check.
        true if every element in the list is unset, otherwise false
      • clone

        public static EObject clone​(EObject prototype,
                                    EFactory factory,
                                    boolean deep)
        Clones an eobject, with the option of performing a deep clone in which referenced eobjects are also cloned.
        prototype - The object to be cloned from.
        factory - The factory used to create the clone.
        deep - indicating wether to perform a deep clone.
        THe cloned object, with all properties the same to the original.
      • copy

        public static void copy​(EObject source,
                                EObject target)
        Copies all the properties from one object to anoter.
        source - The object to copy from.
        target - The object to copy to.