Class ComplexEMFBinding

    • Constructor Detail

      • ComplexEMFBinding

        public ComplexEMFBinding​(EFactory factory,
                                 QName target)
        Creates the binding.
        factory - The factory for the emf model.
        target - The qualified name of the type in the emf model that this binding works against.
      • ComplexEMFBinding

        public ComplexEMFBinding​(EFactory factory,
                                 QName target,
                                 Class type)
        Creates the binding specifying the type of the object its boiund to.

        The type is specified in cases where it can not be inferred from the qname alone. Such cases occur when EMF runs into a name clash.

        factory - The factory for the emf model.
        target - The qualified name of the type in the emf model that this binding works against.
        type - The type of the object this binding is mapped to.
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public QName getTarget()
        Specified by:
        getTarget in interface Binding
        The qualified name of the target for the binding.