Interface ElementGrouping

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ALL
      ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented.
      static int ANY
      ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented.
      static int CHOICE
      ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented.
      static int ELEMENT
      ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented.
      static int GROUP
      ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented.
      static int SEQUENCE
      ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented.
      static int UNBOUNDED  
    • Field Detail

      • ELEMENT

        static final int ELEMENT
        ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented. This is intended to reduce the use of the instanceof operand, increasing performance.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • GROUP

        static final int GROUP
        ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented. This is intended to reduce the use of the instanceof operand, increasing performance.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ANY

        static final int ANY
        ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented. This is intended to reduce the use of the instanceof operand, increasing performance.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SEQUENCE

        static final int SEQUENCE
        ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented. This is intended to reduce the use of the instanceof operand, increasing performance.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CHOICE

        static final int CHOICE
        ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented. This is intended to reduce the use of the instanceof operand, increasing performance.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ALL

        static final int ALL
        ElementGrouping mask to determine the type of ElementGrouping represented. This is intended to reduce the use of the instanceof operand, increasing performance.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getGrouping

        int getGrouping()
        Returns the mask informing the caller as to the type of object they are dealing with.
      • findChildElement

        Element findChildElement​(String name)
        Convinience method which will search for the specified element within it's children. This is typically implemented recursively, and as such may be expensive to execute (so don't call me too much if you want to be fast).
        name - The Element LocalName (namespace and prefix should not be included)
        Element or null if not found.
      • getMaxOccurs

        int getMaxOccurs()
        returns the max number of allowable occurences within the xml schema for this construct.
      • getMinOccurs

        int getMinOccurs()
        returns the min number of allowable occurences within the xml schema for this construct.
      • findChildElement

        Element findChildElement​(String localName,
                                 URI namespaceURI)