Class LegendURLBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding

    public class LegendURLBinding
    extends OnlineResourceTypeBinding
    Binding object for the element

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><element name="LegendURL" xmlns="">
              Zero or more LegendURL elements may be provided, providing an
              image(s) of a legend relevant to each Style of a Layer.  The Format
              element indicates the MIME type of the legend. minScaleDenominator
              and maxScaleDenominator attributes may be provided to indicate to
              the client which scale(s) (inclusive) the legend image is appropriate
              for.  (If provided, these values must exactly match the scale
              denominators of available TileMatrixes.)  width and height
              attributes may be provided to assist client applications in laying
              out space to display the legend.
                                    <extension base="ows:OnlineResourceType">
                                                    <documentation>The URL from which the legend image can be retrieved</documentation>
                                            <attribute name="format" type="ows:MimeType">
                                                            <documentation>A supported output format for the legend image</documentation>
                                            <attribute name="minScaleDenominator" type="double">
                                                            <documentation>Denominator of the minimum scale (inclusive) for which this legend image is valid</documentation>
                                            <attribute name="maxScaleDenominator" type="double">
                                                            <documentation>Denominator of the maximum scale (exclusive) for which this legend image is valid</documentation>
                                            <attribute name="width" type="positiveInteger">
                                                            <documentation>Width (in pixels) of the legend image</documentation>
                                            <attribute name="height" type="positiveInteger">
                                                            <documentation>Height (in pixels) of the legend image</documentation>