Class WFSBindingUtils

  • public class WFSBindingUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class to be used by bindings.
    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project,
    • Constructor Detail

      • WFSBindingUtils

        public WFSBindingUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • service

        public static void service​(EObject object,
                                   Node node)
        Sets the service feature of the object passed in.

        The service value is retreived as an attribute from the node, if null, the default "WFS" is used.

        object - An object which contains a feature named "service"
        node - The parse node.
      • version

        public static void version​(EObject object,
                                   Node node)
        Sets the version feature of the object passed in.

        The version value is retreived as an attribute from the node, if null, the default "1.0.0" is used.

        object - An object which contains a feature named "version"
        node - The parse node.
      • outputFormat

        public static void outputFormat​(EObject object,
                                        Node node,
                                        String defalt)
        Sets the outputFormat feature of the object passed in.

        The outputFormat value is retreived as an attribute from the node, if null, the default default is used.

        object - An object which contains a feature named "version"
        node - The parse node.
      • asBigInteger

        public static BigInteger asBigInteger​(Number number)
        number - A number
        The number as a BigInteger.