Class GetGmlObjectTypeBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding

    public class GetGmlObjectTypeBinding
    extends AbstractComplexEMFBinding
    Binding object for the type

      <xsd:complexType name="GetGmlObjectType">
                  A GetGmlObjectType element contains exactly one GmlObjectId.
                  The value of the gml:id attribute on that GmlObjectId is used
                  as a unique key to retrieve the complex element with a
                  gml:id attribute with the same value.
              <xsd:extension base="wfs:BaseRequestType">
                      <xsd:element ref="ogc:GmlObjectId"/>
                  <xsd:attribute default="GML3" name="outputFormat"
                      type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
                  <xsd:attribute name="traverseXlinkDepth" type="xsd:string" use="required">
                           This attribute indicates the depth to which nested
                           property XLink linking element locator attribute
                           (href) XLinks are traversed and resolved if possible.
                           A value of "1" indicates that one linking element
                           locator attribute (href) XLink will be traversed
                           and the referenced element returned if possible, but
                           nested property XLink linking element locator attribute
                           (href) XLinks in the returned element are not traversed.
                           A value of "*" indicates that all nested property XLink
                           linking element locator attribute (href) XLinks will be
                           traversed and the referenced elements returned if
                           possible.  The range of valid values for this attribute
                           consists of positive integers plus "*".
                  <xsd:attribute name="traverseXlinkExpiry"
                      type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="optional">
                           The traverseXlinkExpiry attribute value is specified
                           in minutes.  It indicates how long a Web Feature Service
                           should wait to receive a response to a nested GetGmlObject
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetGmlObjectTypeBinding

        public GetGmlObjectTypeBinding​(WfsFactory factory)