Class BaseRequestTypeBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding

    public class BaseRequestTypeBinding
    extends AbstractComplexEMFBinding
    Binding object for the type

      <xsd:complexType abstract="true" name="BaseRequestType">
                  XML encoded WFS operation request base, for all operations
                  except GetCapabilities.
          <xsd:attribute default="WFS" name="service" type="ows:ServiceType" use="optional">
                    The service attribute is included to support service
                    endpoints that implement more than one OGC service.
                    For example, a single CGI that implements WMS, WFS
                    and WCS services.
                    The endpoint can inspect the value of this attribute
                    to figure out which service should process the request.
                    The value WFS indicates that a web feature service should
                    process the request.
                    This parameter is somewhat redundant in the XML encoding
                    since the request namespace can be used to determine
                    which service should process any give request.  For example,
                    wfs:GetCapabilities and easily be distinguished from
                    wcs:GetCapabilities using the namespaces.
          <xsd:attribute default="1.1.0" name="version" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                     The version attribute is used to indicate the version of the
                     WFS specification that a request conforms to.  All requests in
                     this schema conform to V1.1 of the WFS specification.
                     For WFS implementations that support more than one version of
                     a WFS sepcification ... if the version attribute is not
                     specified then the service should assume that the request
                     conforms to greatest available specification version.
          <xsd:attribute name="handle" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                     The handle attribute allows a client application
                     to assign a client-generated request identifier
                     to a WFS request.  The handle is included to
                     facilitate error reporting.  A WFS may report the
                     handle in an exception report to identify the
                     offending request or action.  If the handle is not
                     present, then the WFS may employ other means to
                     localize the error (e.g. line numbers).
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseRequestTypeBinding

        public BaseRequestTypeBinding​(WfsFactory factory)