Class SwingUtilities

  • public final class SwingUtilities
    extends Object
    A collection of utility methods for Swing. All show* methods delegate their work to the corresponding method in JOptionPane, with two differences:
    • SwingUtilities's method may be invoked from any thread. If they are invoked from a non-Swing thread, execution will be delegate to the Swing thread and the calling thread will block until completion.
    • If a parent component is a JDesktopPane, dialogs will be rendered as internal frames instead of frames.
    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    • Method Detail

      • toFrame

        public static Component toFrame​(Component owner,
                                        JComponent panel,
                                        String title,
                                        WindowListener listener)
        Insert a Swing component into a frame. The kind of frame depends on the owner:
        owner - The frame's owner, or null if none.
        panel - The panel to insert into a frame.
        title - The frame's title.
        listener - A listener to receives frame events. If non-null, then this listener will be registered to whatever kind of frame this method will constructs. In the special case where this method constructs an internal frame and the listener is not an instance of InternalFrameListener, then this method will wrap the listener into an InternalFrameListener.
        The frame. This frame is not initially visible. The method Component.setVisible(true) must be invoked in order to show the frame.
      • setTitle

        public static void setTitle​(Component component,
                                    String title)
        Set the title of the parent frame or internal frame of the specified component.
      • showOptionDialog

        public static boolean showOptionDialog​(Component owner,
                                               Object dialog,
                                               String title)
        Brings up a "Ok/Cancel" dialog with no icon. This method can be invoked from any thread and blocks until the user click on "Ok" or "Cancel".
        owner - The parent component. Dialog will apears on top of this owner.
        dialog - The dialog content to show.
        title - The title string for the dialog.
        true if user clicked "Ok", false otherwise.
      • showOptionDialog

        public static boolean showOptionDialog​(Component owner,
                                               Object dialog,
                                               String title,
                                               ActionListener reset)
        Brings up a "Ok/Cancel/Reset" dialog with no icon. This method can be invoked from any thread and blocks until the user click on "Ok" or "Cancel".
        owner - The parent component. Dialog will apears on top of this owner.
        dialog - The dialog content to show.
        title - The title string for the dialog.
        reset - Action to execute when user press "Reset", or null if there is no "Reset" button. If reset is an instance of Action, the button label will be set according the action's properties.
        true if user clicked "Ok", false otherwise.
      • getMultilineLabelFor

        public static JComponent getMultilineLabelFor​(JComponent owner,
                                                      String text)
        Retourne une étiquette pour la composante spécifiée. Le texte de l'étiquette pourra éventuellement être distribué sur plusieurs lignes.
        owner - Composante pour laquelle on construit une étiquette. L'étiquette aura la même largeur que owner.
        text - Texte à placer dans l'étiquette.
      • getLocale

        public static Locale getLocale​(Component component)
        Returns the locale for the specified component, or a default one if the component is not yet part of a container hierarchy.
      • invokeAndWait

        public static void invokeAndWait​(Runnable runnable)
        Causes runnable to have its run method called in the dispatch thread of the event queue. This will happen after all pending events are processed. The call blocks until this has happened.