Class IndexedResourceCompiler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class IndexedResourceCompiler
    extends Object
    implements Comparator<Object>
    Resource compiler. This class is run from the command line at compile time only. IndexedResourceCompiler scans for .properties files and copies their content to .utf files using UTF8 encoding. It also checks for key validity and checks values for MessageFormat compatibility. Finally, it creates a source file declaring resource keys as integer constants.

    This class must be run from the maven root of Geotools project.

    IndexedResourceCompiler and all FooKeys classes don't need to be included in the final JAR file. They are used at compile time only and no other classes should keep reference to them.

    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        public int compare​(Object o1,
                           Object o2)
        Compares two resource keys. Object o1 and o2 are usually String objects representing resource keys (for example, "MISMATCHED_DIMENSION"), but may also be Map.Entry.
        Specified by:
        compare in interface Comparator<Object>
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args,
                                File sourceDirectory,
                                Class<? extends IndexedResourceBundle>[] resourcesToProcess)
        Run the resource compiler.
        args - The command-line arguments.
        sourceDirectory - The base directory for "java" "resources" sub-directories. The directory structure must be consistent with Maven conventions.
        resourcesToProcess - The resource bundle base classes (e.g. Vocabulary.class}).
      • main

        public static void main​(String... args)
        Run the compiler for GeoTools resources.