Class OnlineTestCase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class OnlineTestCase
    extends TestCase
    Test support for test cases that require an "online" resource, such as an external server or database.

    Online tests work off of a "fixture". A fixture is a properties file which defines connection parameters for some remote service. Each online test case must define the id of the fixture is uses with getFixtureId().

    Fixtures are stored under the users home directory, under the ".geotools" directory. Dots "." in the fixture id represent a subdirectory path under this configuration file directory. For example, a fixture id would be resolved to .geotools/a/b/

    In the event that a fixture does not exist, the test case is aborted.

    Online tests connect to remote / online resources. Test cases should do all connection / disconnection in the connect() and disconnect() methods.

    The default behaviour of this class is that if connect() throws an exception, the test suite is disabled, causing each test to pass without being run. In addition, exceptions thrown by disconnect() are ignored. This behaviour allows tests to be robust against transient outages of online resources, but also means that local software failures in connect() or disconnect() will be silent.

    To have exceptions thrown by connect() and disconnect() cause tests to fail, set skip.on.failure=false in the fixture property file. This restores the traditional behaviour of unit tests, that is, that exceptions cause unit tests to fail.

    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project, Ben Caradoc-Davies, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void connect()
      Connection method, called from setUp().
      protected Properties createExampleFixture()
      Allows test to create a sample fixture for users.
      protected Properties createOfflineFixture()
      Allows tests to create an offline fixture in cases where the user has not specified an explicit fixture for the test.
      protected void disconnect()
      Disconnection method, called from tearDown().
      protected abstract String getFixtureId()
      The fixture id for the test case.
      protected boolean isOnline()
      Tests if external resources needed to run the tests are online.
      void run​(TestResult result)
      Override which checks if the fixture is available.
      protected void setUp()
      Loads the test fixture for the test case.
      protected void setUpInternal()
      Method for subclasses to latch onto the setup phase.
      protected void tearDown()
      Tear down method for test, calls through to disconnect() if the test is active.
      protected void tearDownInternal()
      Method for subclasses to latch onto the teardown phase.
      • Methods inherited from class TestCase

        assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, countTestCases, createResult, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame, format, getName, run, runBare, runTest, setName, toString
    • Field Detail


        public static final String ONLINE_TEST_PROFILE
        System property set to totally disable any online tests
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SKIP_ON_FAILURE_KEY
        The key in the test fixture property file used to set the behaviour of the online test if connect() fails.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • online

        protected static Map<String,​Boolean> online
        A static map which tracks which fixtures are offline. This prevents continually trying to run a test when an external resource is offline.
      • found

        protected static Map<String,​Boolean> found
        A static map which tracks which fixture files can not be found. This prevents continually looking up the file and reporting it not found to the user.
      • fixture

        protected Properties fixture
        The test fixture, null if the fixture is not available.
      • skipOnFailure

        protected boolean skipOnFailure
        Flag that determines effect of exceptions in connect/disconnect. If true (the default), exceptions in connect cause the the test to be disabled, and exceptions in disconnect to be ignored. If false, exceptions will be rethrown, and cause the test to fail.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OnlineTestCase

        public OnlineTestCase()
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(TestResult result)
        Override which checks if the fixture is available. If not the test is not executed.
        Specified by:
        run in interface Test
        run in class TestCase
      • setUp

        protected final void setUp()
                            throws Exception
        Loads the test fixture for the test case.

        The fixture id is obtained via getFixtureId().

        setUp in class TestCase
      • setUpInternal

        protected void setUpInternal()
                              throws Exception
        Method for subclasses to latch onto the setup phase.
      • tearDown

        protected final void tearDown()
                               throws Exception
        Tear down method for test, calls through to disconnect() if the test is active.
        tearDown in class TestCase
      • tearDownInternal

        protected void tearDownInternal()
                                 throws Exception
        Method for subclasses to latch onto the teardown phase.
      • isOnline

        protected boolean isOnline()
                            throws Exception
        Tests if external resources needed to run the tests are online.

        This method can return false to indicate the online resources are not up, or can simply throw an exception.

        True if external resources are online, otherwise false.
        Exception - Any errors that occur determining if online resources are available.
      • connect

        protected void connect()
                        throws Exception
        Connection method, called from setUp().

        Subclasses should do all initialization / connection here. In the event of a connection not being available, this method should throw an exception to abort the test case.

        Exception - if the connection failed.
      • disconnect

        protected void disconnect()
                           throws Exception
        Disconnection method, called from tearDown().

        Subclasses should do all cleanup here.

        Exception - if the disconnection failed.
      • createOfflineFixture

        protected Properties createOfflineFixture()
        Allows tests to create an offline fixture in cases where the user has not specified an explicit fixture for the test.

        Note, that this should method should on be implemented if the test case is created of creating a fixture which relies soley on embedded or offline resources. It should not reference any external or online resources as it prevents the user from running offline.

      • createExampleFixture

        protected Properties createExampleFixture()
        Allows test to create a sample fixture for users.

        If this method returns a value the first time a fixture is looked up and not found this method will be called to create a fixture file with the same id, but suffixed with .template.

      • getFixtureId

        protected abstract String getFixtureId()
        The fixture id for the test case.

        This name is hierarchical, similar to a java package name. Example: "postgis.demo_bc".

        The fixture id.