Class DefaultPosition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultPosition
    extends Object
    implements Position
    A union class that consists of one of the data types listed as its attributes. Date, Time, and DateTime are basic data types defined in ISO/TS 19103, and may be used for describing temporal positions referenced to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
    Mehdi Sidhoum (Geomatys)
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      DefaultPosition​(Date date)  
      DefaultPosition​(TemporalPosition anyOther)
      This constructor set the position property as a TemporalPosition.
      DefaultPosition​(InternationalString datetime)
      This constructor replace the constructor with further DateTime object which will be included in the futur version of jdk (jdk7). example of datetime argument: format specified by the ISO8601 yyyy-mm-DDTHH:MM:SSZ - example : 2003-02-13T12:28:00.000GMT-08:00.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultPosition

        public DefaultPosition​(Date date)
      • DefaultPosition

        public DefaultPosition​(InternationalString datetime)
                        throws ParseException
        This constructor replace the constructor with further DateTime object which will be included in the futur version of jdk (jdk7). example of datetime argument: format specified by the ISO8601 yyyy-mm-DDTHH:MM:SSZ - example : 2003-02-13T12:28:00.000GMT-08:00.
      • DefaultPosition

        public DefaultPosition​(TemporalPosition anyOther)
        This constructor set the position property as a TemporalPosition.
    • Method Detail

      • anyOther

        public TemporalPosition anyOther()
        TemporalPosition and its subtypes shall be used for describing temporal positions referenced to other reference systems, and may be used for temporal positions referenced to any calendar or clock, including the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        Specified by:
        anyOther in interface Position
      • getDate

        public Date getDate()
        May be used for describing temporal positions in ISO8601 format referenced to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        Specified by:
        getDate in interface Position
        InternationalString @TODO all subtypes of TemporalPosition must be implemented.
      • getTime

        public Time getTime()
        May be used for describing temporal positions in ISO8601 format referenced to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
        Specified by:
        getTime in interface Position
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Verify if this entry is identical to the specified object.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object