Class JParameterListPage

  • public class JParameterListPage
    extends JPage
    A wizard page that will prompt the user for a file of the supplied format ask for any additional information.

    This page will allow the user to edit and modify the provided connectionParameters map - but will only show parameters that match the indicated "level". If level is null it assumed to be "user".

    • Field Detail

      • connectionParameters

        protected Map<String,​Object> connectionParameters
        Connection params for datastore
    • Method Detail

      • createPanel

        public JPanel createPanel()
        Description copied from class: JPage
        Called to initialize the page for the first time.

        Please note this method will normally only be called once; even if the user clicks forwards and backwards to return to your page. It is only called if getPanel() returns null.

        Calling this method directly will erase any previously constructed panel.

        createPanel in class JPage
      • preDisplayPanel

        public void preDisplayPanel()
        Description copied from class: JPage
        Called just before the panel is to be displayed.

        This is a good time to populate your fields with values; hook up any listeners and gernally muck about.

        preDisplayPanel in class JPage
      • preClosePanel

        public void preClosePanel()
        Description copied from class: JPage
        Override this method to perform functionality just before the panel is to be hidden.
        preClosePanel in class JPage
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Description copied from class: JPage
        Validation of page state; if the page isValid then the next or finish button will be enabled.

        If you need to call setNextPageIdentifier based on input this is the time to do it.

        isValid in class JPage
        true if the page contents are valid