Class JMenuStatusBarItem

    • Constructor Detail

      • JMenuStatusBarItem

        public JMenuStatusBarItem​(String name,
                                  ImageIcon icon,
                                  String toolTip,
                                  JPopupMenu menu)
        Creates a new item to display the given menu;
        name - the item name
        icon - the icon to display
        toolTip - tool tip text (may be null
        menu - the pop-up menu to launch when the item is clicked
        IllegalArgumentException - if icon or menu are null
      • JMenuStatusBarItem

        public JMenuStatusBarItem​(String name,
                                  ImageIcon icon,
                                  String toolTip,
                                  PopupMenuProvider menuProvider)
        Creates a new item to display a menu which will be supplired by menuProvider.
        name - the item name
        icon - the icon to display
        menuProvider - an object to provide a (possibly dynamic) pop-up menu
        IllegalArgumentException - if icon or menuPRovider are null