Class MapLayerTable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

    public class MapLayerTable
    extends JPanel
    Displays a list of the map layers in an associated MapPane and provides controls to set the visibility, selection and style of each layer.

    Implementation note: MapContent stores its list of Layer objects in rendering order, ie. the layer at index 0 is rendererd first, followed by index 1 etc. MapLayerTable stores its layers in the reverse order since it is more intuitive for the user to think of a layer being 'on top' of other layers.

    Michael Bedward
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MapLayerTable

        public MapLayerTable​(MapPane mapPane)
        mapPane - the map pane this MapLayerTable will service.
    • Method Detail

      • setMapPane

        public void setMapPane​(MapPane mapPane)
        Set the map pane that this MapLayerTable will service.
        mapPane - the map pane
      • onAddLayer

        public void onAddLayer​(Layer layer)
        Add a new layer to those listed in the table. This method will be called by the associated map pane automatically as part of the event sequence when a new MapLayer is added to the pane's MapContext.
        layer - the map layer
      • onRemoveLayer

        public void onRemoveLayer​(Layer layer)
        Remove a layer from those listed in the table. This method will be called by the associated map pane automatically as part of the event sequence when a new MapLayer is removed from the pane's MapContext.
        layer - the map layer
      • onMoveLayer

        public void onMoveLayer​(Layer layer)
        Move a layer from those listed in the table. This method will be called by the associated map pane automatically as part of the event sequence when a new MapLayer isremoved from the pane's MapContext.
        layer - the map layer
      • repaint

        public void repaint​(Layer layer)
        Repaint the list item associated with the specified MapLayer object
        layer - the map layer
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Removes all items from the table. This is called by the MapPane or other clients and is not intended for general use.