Class TextSymbolizerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextSymbolizerImpl

        protected TextSymbolizerImpl()
      • TextSymbolizerImpl

        protected TextSymbolizerImpl​(FilterFactory factory)
        Creates a new instance of DefaultTextSymbolizer
    • Method Detail

      • getFill

        public Fill getFill()
        Returns the fill to be used to fill the text when rendered.
        Specified by:
        getFill in interface TextSymbolizer
        The fill to be used.
      • setFill

        public void setFill​(Fill fill)
        Setter for property fill.
        Specified by:
        setFill in interface TextSymbolizer
        fill - New value of property fill.
      • fonts

        public List<Font> fonts()
        Description copied from interface: TextSymbolizer
        Direct access to device independent Fonts used to render the label. Fonts are used in order of priority given.
        Specified by:
        fonts in interface TextSymbolizer
        device independent Font used to render the label.
      • addFont

        public void addFont​(Font font)
        Setter for property font.
        font - New value of property font.
      • getHalo

        public Halo getHalo()
        A halo fills an extended area outside the glyphs of a rendered text label to make the label easier to read over a background.
        Specified by:
        getHalo in interface TextSymbolizer
      • setHalo

        public void setHalo​(Halo halo)
        Setter for property halo.
        Specified by:
        setHalo in interface TextSymbolizer
        halo - New value of property halo.
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(Expression label)
        Setter for property label.
        Specified by:
        setLabel in interface TextSymbolizer
        label - New value of property label.
      • getLabelPlacement

        public LabelPlacement getLabelPlacement()
        A pointPlacement specifies how a text element should be rendered relative to its geometric point.
        Specified by:
        getLabelPlacement in interface TextSymbolizer
        Value of property labelPlacement.
      • setLabelPlacement

        public void setLabelPlacement​(LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
        Setter for property labelPlacement.
        Specified by:
        setLabelPlacement in interface TextSymbolizer
        labelPlacement - New value of property labelPlacement.
      • clone

        public Object clone()
        Creates a deep copy clone. TODO: Need to complete the deep copy, currently only shallow copy.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface Cloneable
        clone in class Object
        The deep copy clone.
        See Also:
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(Expression priority)
        Description copied from interface: TextSymbolizer
        Priority -- null = use the default labeling priority Expression = an expression that evaluates to a number (ie. Integer, Long, Double...) Larger = more likely to be rendered
        Specified by:
        setPriority in interface TextSymbolizer
      • getPriority

        public Expression getPriority()
        Description copied from interface: TextSymbolizer
        Priority -- null = use the default labeling priority Expression = an expression that evaluates to a number (ie. Integer, Long, Double...) Larger = more likely to be rendered
        Specified by:
        getPriority in interface TextSymbolizer
      • getGraphic

        public Graphic getGraphic()
        Description copied from interface: TextSymbolizer
        The nonstandard-SLD graphic element supports putting little graphical-bits onto labels. Useful for things like interstate road shields or labeled logos
        Specified by:
        getGraphic in interface TextSymbolizer
        - the Graphic object to be rendered under the label text
      • setGraphic

        public void setGraphic​(Graphic graphic)
        Description copied from interface: TextSymbolizer
        The nonstandard-SLD graphic element supports putting little graphical-bits onto labels. Useful for things like interstate road shields or labeled logos
        Specified by:
        setGraphic in interface TextSymbolizer
        graphic - - the Graphic object which will be rendered under the label text
      • getSnippet

        public Expression getSnippet()
        Description copied from interface: TextSymbolizer
        Abstract is used by text oriented renderers such as KML and RSS to specify an abstract (RSS) or a snippet (KML)
        Specified by:
        getSnippet in interface TextSymbolizer