Class WKTMarkFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WKTMarkFactory
    extends Object
    implements MarkFactory
    Factory to produce marks based on WKT representation of symbols. WKT geometries may be defined directly in the SLD (prefixing it with @see "wkt://", or in a WKT library stored in a properties file (prefixing it with @see WKTLIB_PREFIX).

    The symbols stored in properties files are cached in soft references for better performance. The root directory for properties files can be set using the setRoot( method.

    Luca Morandini, Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
    • Constructor Detail

      • WKTMarkFactory

        public WKTMarkFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • clearCache

        public void clearCache()
      • setRoot

        public static void setRoot​(URL root)
        Sets the root dir for WKT libraries
        root - Directory from which the search for WKT libraries starts
      • getFromCache

        protected String getFromCache​(String urlLib,
                                      String wktName)
        Returns a WKT geometry from cache given its URL
        urlLib - URL of the WKT library
        wktName - name of the WKT shape
      • addToCache

        protected void addToCache​(String urlLib)
        Adds the shapes contained in a WKT library to the cache; if the url already exists in the cache, the shapes are not added
        urlLib - URL of the WKT library as a properties file URL
      • loadLibrary

        protected Properties loadLibrary​(String libFile)
                                  throws IOException
        Loads a WKT symbol library as a properties file
        libFile - Location of the properties file (it could be a CQL expression)