Class GraphicStyle2D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, PointStyle2D

    public class GraphicStyle2D
    extends Style2D
    implements PointStyle2D
    A style class used to depict a point, polygon centroid or line with a small graphic icon
    Andrea Aime
    • Constructor Detail

      • GraphicStyle2D

        public GraphicStyle2D​(BufferedImage image,
                              float rotation)
        Creates a new GraphicStyle2D object.
        image - The image that will be used to depict the centroid/point/...
        rotation - The image rotation
      • GraphicStyle2D

        public GraphicStyle2D​(BufferedImage image,
                              float rotation,
                              int border)
      • GraphicStyle2D

        public GraphicStyle2D​(BufferedImage image,
                              int border)
    • Method Detail

      • getRotation

        public float getRotation()
        The graphic rotation in radians.
        Specified by:
        getRotation in interface PointStyle2D
        graphic rotation in radians
      • setImage

        public void setImage​(BufferedImage image)
        image -
      • setRotation

        public void setRotation​(float radians)
        Graphic rotation in radians
        Specified by:
        setRotation in interface PointStyle2D
        radians - graphic rotation
      • getBorder

        public int getBorder()
        The actual image size might have been extended with an extra border (usually of one pixel) to preserve antialiasing pixels
      • setBorder

        public void setBorder​(int border)
      • setDisplacementX

        public void setDisplacementX​(float displacementX)
        Description copied from interface: PointStyle2D
        Sets the point symbol x displacement
        Specified by:
        setDisplacementX in interface PointStyle2D
      • setDisplacementY

        public void setDisplacementY​(float displacementY)
        Description copied from interface: PointStyle2D
        Sets the point symbol y displacement
        Specified by:
        setDisplacementY in interface PointStyle2D
      • getAnchorPointX

        public float getAnchorPointX()
        Description copied from interface: PointStyle2D
        The point symbol x anchor, between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.5
        Specified by:
        getAnchorPointX in interface PointStyle2D
      • setAnchorPointX

        public void setAnchorPointX​(float anchorPointX)
        Description copied from interface: PointStyle2D
        Sets the point symbol x anchor, between 0 and 1
        Specified by:
        setAnchorPointX in interface PointStyle2D
      • getAnchorPointY

        public float getAnchorPointY()
        Description copied from interface: PointStyle2D
        The point symbol y anchor, between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.5
        Specified by:
        getAnchorPointY in interface PointStyle2D
      • setAnchorPointY

        public void setAnchorPointY​(float anchorPointY)
        Description copied from interface: PointStyle2D
        Sets the point symbol y anchor, between 0 and 1
        Specified by:
        setAnchorPointY in interface PointStyle2D