Class ExpressionExtractor

  • public class ExpressionExtractor
    extends Object
    Helper class that allows the extraction of CQL expressions out of a plain text string using special separators. Parsing rules are:
    • whatever is between ${ and } is considered a CQL expression
    • $ and } can be used stand alone only escaped with \ (e.g. \$ and \})
    • \ can be used stand alone only escaped with another \ (e.g. \\)
    Examples of valid expressions:
    • "one two three \} \$ \\" (simple literal with special chars escaped)
    • "My name is ${name}" (a simple attribute reference)
    • "Hi this is ${(intAtt + 2) * 10}" (cql using attribute and math expressions)
    Examples of non valid expressions:
    • "bla ${myAttName" (unclosed expression section)
    • "bla } bla" (} is reserved, should have been escaped)
    Andrea Aime - TOPP
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpressionExtractor

        public ExpressionExtractor()
    • Method Detail

      • extractCqlExpressions

        public static Expression extractCqlExpressions​(String expression)
        Builds a CQL expression equivalent to the specified string, see class javadocs for rules on how to build the expression in string form