Class LineStringCursor

  • public class LineStringCursor
    extends Object
    Allows to move a point cursor along the path of a LineString using a curvilinear coordinate system and either absolute distances (from the start of the line) or offsets relative to the current position, to return the absolute position of the cursor as a Point, and to get the orientation of the current segment.
    Andrea Aime
    • Constructor Detail

      • LineStringCursor

        public LineStringCursor​(LineString ls)
        Builds a new cursor
      • LineStringCursor

        public LineStringCursor​(LineStringCursor cursor)
        Copy constructor
    • Method Detail

      • getLineStringLength

        public double getLineStringLength()
        Returns the line string length
      • moveTo

        public void moveTo​(double ordinate)
        Moves the current position to the
      • moveRelative

        public boolean moveRelative​(double offset)
        Moves of the specified distance from the current position.
        true if it was possible to move to the desired offset, false if the movement stopped because the start or end of the LineString was reached
      • getCurrentPosition

        public Coordinate getCurrentPosition()
        Returns the Point representing the current position along the LineString
      • getCurrentPosition

        public Coordinate getCurrentPosition​(Coordinate c)
        Returns the Point representing the current position along the LineString
      • getCurrentOrdinate

        public double getCurrentOrdinate()
      • getCurrentAngle

        public double getCurrentAngle()
        Returns the current segment direction as an angle expressed in radians
      • getSegmentAngle

        protected double getSegmentAngle​(int segmentIdx)
      • getLabelOrientation

        public double getLabelOrientation()
        Returns the current segment direction as an angle expressed in radians
      • getMaxAngleChange

        public double getMaxAngleChange​(double startOrdinate,
                                        double endOrdinate)
        Returns the maximum angle change (in radians) between two subsequent segments between the specified curvilinear coordinates.
      • getMaxAngleChange

        public double getMaxAngleChange​(double startOrdinate,
                                        double endOrdinate,
                                        double step)
        Does not work correctly, will be removed (tried too many times to fix it)
        A variant of getMaxAngleChange(double, double) taking a step and evaluating angle differences at such step. This helps when a line has many little segments and chars would end up showing several segments apart (so the full angle change needs to be considered)
      • getMaxDistanceFromStraightLine

        public double getMaxDistanceFromStraightLine​(double startOrdinate,
                                                     double endOrdinate)
        Returns the maximum distance between the curve and a straight line connecting the start and end ordinates.
      • reverse

        public LineStringCursor reverse()
        Returns a line string cursor based on the opposite walking direction.
      • getLineString

        public LineString getLineString()
        The linestrings wrapped by this cursor
      • getSubLineString

        public LineString getSubLineString​(double startOrdinate,
                                           double endOrdinate)
        Returns the linestring that starts and ends at the specified curvilinear coordinates.