Class MapProjection.AbstractProvider

    • Field Detail

      • SEMI_MAJOR

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> SEMI_MAJOR
        The operation parameter descriptor for the semi major parameter value. Valid values range is from 0 to infinity. This parameter is mandatory.
      • SEMI_MINOR

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> SEMI_MINOR
        The operation parameter descriptor for the semi minor parameter value. Valid values range is from 0 to infinity. This parameter is mandatory.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> CENTRAL_MERIDIAN
        The operation parameter descriptor for the central meridian parameter value. Valid values range is from -180 to 180°. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN
        The operation parameter descriptor for the latitude of origin parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE
        The operation parameter descriptor for the longitude of center parameter value. Valid values range is from -180 to 180°. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE
        The operation parameter descriptor for the latitude of center parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> STANDARD_PARALLEL_1
        The operation parameter descriptor for the standard parallel 1 parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> STANDARD_PARALLEL_2
        The operation parameter descriptor for the standard parallel 2 parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> SCALE_FACTOR
        The operation parameter descriptor for the scaleFactor parameter value. Valid values range is from 0 to infinity. Default value is 1.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> FALSE_EASTING
        The operation parameter descriptor for the falseEasting parameter value. Valid values range is unrestricted. Default value is 0.

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<Double> FALSE_NORTHING
        The operation parameter descriptor for the falseNorthing parameter value. Valid values range is unrestricted. Default value is 0.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractProvider

        public AbstractProvider​(ParameterDescriptorGroup parameters)
        Constructs a math transform provider from a set of parameters. The provider identifiers will be the same than the parameter ones.
        parameters - The set of parameters (never null).
    • Method Detail

      • doubleValue

        protected static double doubleValue​(ParameterDescriptor param,
                                            ParameterValueGroup group)
                                     throws ParameterNotFoundException
        Returns the parameter value for the specified operation parameter in standard units. Values are automatically converted into the standard units specified by the supplied param argument, except degrees which are converted to radians. This conversion is performed because the radians units are standard for all internal computations in the map projection package. For example they are the standard units for latitudeOfOrigin and centralMeridian fields in the MapProjection class.
        param - The parameter to look for.
        group - The parameter value group to search into.
        The requested parameter value.
        ParameterNotFoundException - if the parameter is not found.