Class IAUAuthorityFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • IAUAuthorityFactory

        public IAUAuthorityFactory()
        Constructs an authority factory using the default set of factories.
      • IAUAuthorityFactory

        public IAUAuthorityFactory​(Hints hints)
        Constructs an authority factory using a set of factories created from the specified hints. This constructor recognizes the CRS, CS, DATUM and MATH_TRANSFORM FACTORY hints.
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthorities

        protected Citation[] getAuthorities()
        Returns the set of authorities to use as identifiers for the CRS to be created. The default implementation returns the Citations.IAU authority.
        getAuthorities in class FactoryUsingWKT
      • getDefinitionsURL

        protected URL getDefinitionsURL()
        Returns the URL to the property file that contains CRS definitions. The default implementation returns the URL to the "" file.
        getDefinitionsURL in class FactoryUsingWKT
        The URL, or null if none.