class |
AggregateProcess |
Computes various attribute statistics over vector data sets.
class |
BarnesSurfaceProcess |
class |
BoundsProcess |
class |
BufferFeatureCollection |
Buffers a feature collection using a certain distance
class |
CentroidProcess |
A process that returns the centroids for the geometries in the input feature collection.
class |
ClassifyByRangeProcess |
Computes a new attribute to classify another attribute by intervals over vector data sets.
class |
ClipProcess |
Modified version that can preserve Z values after the clip
class |
CollectGeometries |
Collects all geometries from the specified vector layer into a single GeometryCollection (or specialized subclass of
it in case the geometries are uniform)
class |
ContourProcess |
class |
CountProcess |
Counts the elements in the collection (useful as a WFS sidekick)
class |
FeatureClassStats |
class |
FeatureProcess |
class |
GridProcess |
A process that builds a regular grid as a feature collection
class |
GroupCandidateSelectionProcess |
class |
HeatmapProcess |
class |
InclusionFeatureCollection |
A process providing a feature collection containing the features of the first input collection which are included in
the second feature collection
class |
IntersectionFeatureCollection |
A process providing the intersection between two feature collections
class |
LRSGeocodeProcess |
class |
LRSMeasureProcess |
class |
LRSSegmentProcess |
class |
NearestProcess |
class |
PointBuffers |
Generates a set of polygons, each representing the set of points within a given distance from the central point The
data layer must be a point layer, the reference layer must be a polygonal one"
class |
PointStackerProcess |
A Rendering Transformation process which aggregates features into a set of visually non-conflicting point features.
class |
QueryProcess |
class |
RectangularClipProcess |
A process clipping the geometries in the input feature collection to a specified rectangle
class |
ReprojectProcess |
Will reproject the features to another CRS.
class |
SimplifyProcess |
A process simplifying the geometries in the input feature collection according to a specified distance, and using
either a topology preserving or a Douglas-Peuker algorithm
class |
SnapProcess |
class |
TransformProcess |
Used to transform a feature collection as defined using a series of expressions.
class |
UnionFeatureCollection |
A process providing the union between two feature collections
class |
UniqueProcess |
Returns the unique values of a certain attribute
class |
VectorToRasterProcess |
A Process to rasterize vector features in an input FeatureCollection.
class |
VectorZonalStatistics |
Provides statistics for the distribution of a certain quantity in a set of reference areas.