Class BandMergeProcess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BandMergeProcess
    extends Object
    implements RasterProcess
    Process calling the BandMerge operation. This process requires:
    • a Collection of GridCoverage2D objects (Note that they must be in the same CRS).
    • an optional ROI passed as SimpleFeature.
    • an optional String indicating the policy for choosing the Grid To World transformation(from those of all the Coverages) to use for the final coverage. The available values are: FIRST(default), for selecting the first coverage; LAST, for the last coverage; INDEX, for selecting the Coverage defined by the Index Parameter.
    • an optional integer parameter called Index used by the Grid To World transformation policy for choosing the coverage at the "Index" position.
    The output of this process is a GridCoverage2D object which contains all the input Coverages, each one stored as a Band (or multiple bands if the coverage is multibanded). This process can be used also for merging coverages which are not aligned and with different resolutions.
    Nicola Lagomarsini, GeoSolutions S.A.S.