Class Processors

  • public class Processors
    extends FactoryFinder
    Factory and utility methods for ProcessExecutor, and Process classes defined in this package.

    Defines static methods used to access the application's default process factory implementations.

    • Method Detail

      • addProcessFactory

        public static void addProcessFactory​(ProcessFactory factory)
        Dynamically register a new process factory into SPI
      • getProcessFactories

        public static Set<ProcessFactory> getProcessFactories()
        Set of available ProcessFactory; each of which is responsible for one or more processes.
        Set of ProcessFactory
      • createProcessFactory

        public static ProcessFactory createProcessFactory​(Name name)
        Look up a Factory by name of a process it supports.
        name - Name of the Process you wish to work with
        ProcessFactory capable of creating an instanceof the named process
      • createProcess

        public static Process createProcess​(Name name)
        Look up an implementation of the named process on the classpath.
        name - Name of the Process to create
        created process
      • getParameterInfo

        public static Map<String,​Parameter<?>> getParameterInfo​(Name name)
        Look up an implementation of the named process on the classpath and describe the input parameter required.
        name - Name of the Process
        Description of the parameters required
      • getResultInfo

        public static Map<String,​Parameter<?>> getResultInfo​(Name name,
                                                                   Map<String,​Object> parameters)
        Look up an implementation of the named process on the classpath and describe the expected results.

        Note the expected results are generated in part by the input parameters provided; this is to allow for processes where the output is controlled by the parameters (such as choosing a greyscale or color raster product; or choosing the version of GML produced etc...).

        name - Name of the Process
        Description of the parameters required
      • newProcessExecutor

        public static ProcessExecutor newProcessExecutor​(int nThreads)
      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Reinitializes all static state, including the ProcessFactory service registry and reference to the last used ProcessFactory