Class ParameterWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterWriter

        public ParameterWriter()
        Creates a new formatter writting parameters to the default output stream.
      • ParameterWriter

        public ParameterWriter​(Writer out)
        Creates a new formatter writting parameters to the specified output stream.
    • Method Detail

      • format

        public void format​(OperationMethod operation)
                    throws IOException
        Prints the elements of an operation to the output stream.
        operation - The operation method to format.
        IOException - if an error occured will writing to the stream.
      • format

        public void format​(ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor)
                    throws IOException
        Prints the elements of a descriptor group to the output stream.
        descriptor - The descriptor group to format.
        IOException - if an error occured will writing to the stream.
      • format

        public void format​(ParameterValueGroup values)
                    throws IOException
        Prints the elements of a parameter group to the output stream.
        values - The parameter group to format.
        IOException - if an error occured will writing to the stream.
      • summary

        public void summary​(Collection<? extends IdentifiedObject> parameters,
                            Set<String> scopes)
                     throws IOException
        Formats a summary of a collection of identified objects. The summary contains the identifier name and alias aligned in a table.
        parameters - The collection of parameters to format.
        scopes - The set of scopes to include in the table, of null for all of them. A restricted a set will produce a table with less columns.
        IOException - if an error occured will writing to the stream.
      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
        Returns the current locale. Newly constructed ParameterWriter use the system default.
      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(Locale locale)
        Set the locale to use for table formatting.
      • formatValue

        protected String formatValue​(Object value)
        Format the specified value as a string. This method is automatically invoked by format(...) methods. The default implementation format Number, Date and Angle object according the current locale. This method can been overridden if more objects need to be formatted in a special way.
        value - the value to format.
        The value formatted as a string.