Class ImagingParameterDescriptors

    • Field Detail


        public static final Map<Class<?>,​Class<?>> DEFAULT_SOURCE_TYPE_MAP
        The default source type map as a (RenderedImage.class, GridCoverage.class) key-value pair. This is the default argument for wrapping a JAI operation in the "rendered" registry mode.
      • registryMode

        protected final String registryMode
        The registry mode, usually "rendered". This field is null if operation is null.
      • operation

        protected final RegistryElementDescriptor operation
        The JAI's operation descriptor, or null if none. This is usually an instance of OperationDescriptor, but this is not strictly required.
      • descriptor

        protected final ParameterListDescriptor descriptor
        The Java Advanced Imaging parameter descriptor. If operation is non-null, then this attribute is defined by RegistryElementDescriptor.getParameterListDescriptor(java.lang.String).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImagingParameterDescriptors

        public ImagingParameterDescriptors​(RegistryElementDescriptor operation)
        Constructs a parameter descriptor wrapping the specified JAI operation, including sources. The name for this parameter group will be inferred from the name of the supplied registry element using the properties method.

        The source type map default to a (RenderedImage.class , GridCoverage.class) key-value pair and the registry mode default to "rendered".

        operation - The JAI's operation descriptor, usually as an instance of OperationDescriptor.
      • ImagingParameterDescriptors

        public ImagingParameterDescriptors​(RegistryElementDescriptor operation,
                                           Collection<ParameterDescriptor> extension)
        Constructs a parameter descriptor wrapping the specified JAI operation, including sources. The name for this parameter group will be inferred from the name of the supplied registry element using the properties method.

        The source type map default to a (RenderedImage.class , GridCoverage.class) key-value pair and the registry mode default to "rendered".

        operation - The JAI's operation descriptor, usually as an instance of OperationDescriptor.
        extension - Additional parameters to put in this descriptor, or null if none. If a parameter has the same name than an operation parameter, then the extension overrides the later.
      • ImagingParameterDescriptors

        public ImagingParameterDescriptors​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                           RegistryElementDescriptor operation,
                                           String registryMode,
                                           Map<Class<?>,​Class<?>> sourceTypeMap,
                                           Collection<ParameterDescriptor> extension)
        Constructs a parameter descriptor wrapping the specified JAI operation, including sources. The properties map is given unchanged to the super-class constructor.
        properties - Set of properties. Should contains at least "name".
        operation - The JAI's operation descriptor, usually as an instance of OperationDescriptor.
        registryMode - The JAI's registry mode (usually "rendered").
        sourceTypeMap - Mapping from JAI source type to this group source type. Typically a singleton with the ( RenderedImage.class, GridCoverage.class) key-value pair.
        extension - Additional parameters to put in this descriptor, or null if none. If a parameter has the same name than an operation parameter, then the extension overrides the later.
      • ImagingParameterDescriptors

        public ImagingParameterDescriptors​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                           ParameterListDescriptor descriptor)
        Constructs a parameter descriptor wrapping the specified JAI parameter list descriptor. The properties map is given unchanged to the super-class constructor.
        properties - Set of properties. Should contains at least "name".
        descriptor - The JAI descriptor.
    • Method Detail

      • properties

        public static Map<String,​Object> properties​(RegistryElementDescriptor operation)
        Infers from the specified JAI operation a set of properties that can be given to the {@linkplain ##ImagingParameterDescriptors(Map, RegistryElementDescriptor, String, Map, Collection)} constructor}. The returned map includes values (when available) for the following keys:

        Key Inferred from
        NAME_KEY descriptor name
        ALIAS_KEY "Vendor" (for the scope) and "LocalName" resources
        AUTHORITY_KEY JAI or Geotools inferred from the vendor, extented with "DocURL" resources as contact information.
        VERSION_KEY "Version" resources
        REMARKS_KEY "Description" resources

        For JAI image operation (for example "Add", the end result is fully-qualified name like "JAI:Add" and one alias like "".

        This method returns a modifiable map. Users can safely changes its content in order to select for example a different name.

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
                              boolean compareMetadata)
        Compares the specified object with this parameter group for equality.
        equals in class DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup
        object - The object to compare to this.
        compareMetadata - true for performing a strict comparaison, or false for comparing only properties relevant to transformations.
        true if both objects are equal.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash value for this parameter. This value doesn't need to be the same in past or future versions of this class.
        hashCode in class DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup
        The hash code value. This value doesn't need to be the same in past or future versions of this class.