Class PositionTypeBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, SimpleBinding

    public class PositionTypeBinding
    extends AbstractSimpleBinding
    Binding object for the type

      <simpleType name="PositionType">
              <documentation>Position instances hold the coordinates of a position in a coordinate reference system (CRS) referenced by the related "crs" attribute or elsewhere. For an angular coordinate axis that is physically continuous for multiple revolutions, but whose recorded values can be discontinuous, special conditions apply when the bounding box is continuous across the value discontinuity:
      a)  If the bounding box is continuous clear around this angular axis, then ordinate values of minus and plus infinity shall be used.
      b)  If the bounding box is continuous across the value discontinuity but is not continuous clear around this angular axis, then some non-normal value can be used if specified for a specific OWS use of the BoundingBoxType. For more information, see Subclauses 10.2.5 and C.13. </documentation>
              <documentation>This type is adapted from DirectPositionType and doubleList of GML 3.1. The adaptations include omission of all the attributes, since the needed information is included in the BoundingBoxType. </documentation>
          <list itemType="double"/>
    • Constructor Detail

      • PositionTypeBinding

        public PositionTypeBinding()
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public QName getTarget()
        The qualified name of the target for the binding.
      • getType

        public Class getType()
        The java type this binding maps to.
      • parse

        public Object parse​(InstanceComponent instance,
                            Object value)
                     throws Exception
        Specified by:
        parse in interface SimpleBinding
        parse in class AbstractSimpleBinding
        instance - The component being parsed.
        value - The result of the parse from another strategy in the type hierarchy. Could be null if this is the first strategy being executed.
        The parsed object, or null if the component could not be parsed.