Class Longitude

    • Field Detail

      • MIN_VALUE

        public static final double MIN_VALUE
        Minimum legal value for longitude (-180°).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MAX_VALUE

        public static final double MAX_VALUE
        Maximum legal value for longitude (+180°).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Longitude

        public Longitude​(double theta)
        Contruct a new longitude with the specified value.
        theta - Angle in degrees.
      • Longitude

        public Longitude​(String theta)
                  throws NumberFormatException
        Constructs a newly allocated Longitude object that represents the longitude value represented by the string. The string should represents an angle in either fractional degrees (e.g. 45.5°) or degrees with minutes and seconds (e.g. 45°30'). The hemisphere (E or W) is optional (default to East).
        theta - A string to be converted to a Longitude.
        NumberFormatException - if the string does not contain a parsable longitude.