Class MapLayerListEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MapLayerListEvent
    extends EventObject
    Event object used to report changes in the list of layers managed by a MapContext
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MapLayerListEvent

        public MapLayerListEvent​(MapContent source,
                                 Layer layer,
                                 int fromIndex,
                                 int toIndex)
        Creates a new instance of MapLayerListEvent
      • MapLayerListEvent

        public MapLayerListEvent​(MapContent source,
                                 Layer layer,
                                 int position)
        Creates a new instance of MapLayerListEvent
        source - Map issuing the event
        layer - Layer being reported against; may be null
        position - index modified in layer list
    • Method Detail

      • getLayer

        public Layer getLayer()
        Return the layer involved in the change.
      • getFromIndex

        public int getFromIndex()
        Returns the index of the first layer involved in the change
        The old index of the layer. -1 will be returned if the layer was not in the MapContext
      • getToIndex

        public int getToIndex()
        Returns the index of the last layer involved in the change
        The old index of the layer. -1 will be returned if the layer is no more in the MapContext
      • getMapLayerEvent

        public MapLayerEvent getMapLayerEvent()
        Returns the map layer event that originated this layer list event
        Value of property mapLayerEvent.