Class Slice2DIndex

  • public class Slice2DIndex
    extends Object
    A bean that represents a row in the index used for mapping 2d grids to 2d slices in NetCDF files.

    The elements are:

    1. imageIndex the index of the image to work with
    2. tIndex the index of the time dimension for this 2d slice
    3. zIndex the index of the elevation dimension for this 2d slice
    4. variableName the name of this variable, e.g. temperature
    Andrea Antonello, Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
    • Constructor Detail

      • Slice2DIndex

        public Slice2DIndex​(String variableName)
      • Slice2DIndex

        public Slice2DIndex​(int[] index,
                            String variableName)
    • Method Detail

      • getNIndex

        public int getNIndex​(int n)
      • getNCount

        public int getNCount()
      • getVariableName

        public String getVariableName()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object