Class PolygonPatchTypeBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PolygonPatchTypeBinding
    extends AbstractComplexBinding
    Binding object for the type

      <complexType name="PolygonPatchType">
                  A PolygonPatch is a surface patch that is defined by
                  a set of boundary curves and an underlying surface to
                  which these curves adhere. The curves are coplanar and
                  the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior.
                  Implements GM_Polygon of ISO 19107.
              <extension base="gml:AbstractSurfacePatchType">
                      <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:exterior"/>
                      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:interior"/>
                  <attribute fixed="planar" name="interpolation" type="gml:SurfaceInterpolationType">
                           The attribute "interpolation" specifies the
                           interpolation mechanism used for this surface
                           patch. Currently only planar surface patches
                           are defined in GML 3, the attribute is fixed
                           to "planar", i.e. the interpolation method
                           shall return points on a single plane. The
                           boundary of the patch shall be contained within
                           that plane.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolygonPatchTypeBinding

        public PolygonPatchTypeBinding​(GeometryFactory gf)
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public QName getTarget()
        The qualified name of the target for the binding.
      • getType

        public Class getType()
        The java type this binding maps to.
      • parse

        public Object parse​(ElementInstance instance,
                            Node node,
                            Object value)
                     throws Exception
        Specified by:
        parse in interface ComplexBinding
        parse in class AbstractComplexBinding
        instance - The element being parsed.
        node - The node in the parse tree representing the element being parsed.
        value - The result of the parse from another strategy in the type hierarchy. Could be null if this is the first strategy being executed.
        The parsed object, or null if the component could not be parsed.
        Exception - Strategy objects should not attempt to handle any exceptions.