Class GMLConfiguration

  • public class GMLConfiguration
    extends Configuration
    Parser configuration for the gml3 schema.
    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
    • Field Detail


        public static final QName NO_FEATURE_BOUNDS
        Boolean property which controls whether encoded features should include bounds.

        public static final QName ENCODE_FEATURE_MEMBER
        Boolean property which controls whether the FeatureCollection should be encoded with multiple featureMember as opposed to a single featureMembers

        public static final QName NO_SRS_DIMENSION
        Boolean property which controls whether geometry and envelope objects are encoded with an srs dimension attribute.

        public static final QName OPTIMIZED_ENCODING
        Property which engages "fast" gml encoding.
      • srsSyntax

        protected SrsSyntax srsSyntax
        Srs name style to encode srsName URI's with
    • Constructor Detail

      • GMLConfiguration

        public GMLConfiguration()
      • GMLConfiguration

        public GMLConfiguration​(boolean extArcSurfaceSupport)
    • Method Detail

      • setSrsSyntax

        public void setSrsSyntax​(SrsSyntax srsSyntax)
        Sets the syntax to use for encoding srs uris.

        If this method is not explicitly called SrsSyntax#URN is used as the default.

      • getSrsSyntax

        public SrsSyntax getSrsSyntax()
        Returns the syntax to use for encoding srs uris.
      • setExtendedArcSurfaceSupport

        public void setExtendedArcSurfaceSupport​(boolean arcSurfaceSupport)
        Flag that when set triggers extended support for arcs and surfaces.
      • isExtendedArcSurfaceSupport

        public boolean isExtendedArcSurfaceSupport()
      • registerBindings

        protected void registerBindings​(MutablePicoContainer container)
        Description copied from class: Configuration
        Registers the bindings for the configuration.

        This method is intended to provide the default bindings for a configuration and is intended to be subclassed by client code. Client code should use Configuration.configureBindings(MutablePicoContainer) . Subclasses should mark this method as final after implementing.

        registerBindings in class Configuration
        container - Container containing all bindings, keyed by QName.
      • getNumDecimals

        public int getNumDecimals()
        Returns the number of decimals that should be used for encoding coordinates (defaults to 6)
        the numDecimals
      • setNumDecimals

        public void setNumDecimals​(int numDecimals)
        Sets the number of decimals that should be used for encoding coordinates
        numDecimals - the numDecimals to set
      • getGeometryFactory

        public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory()
        Retrieves the geometry factory used to build geometries
        the geometryFactory
      • setGeometryFactory

        public void setGeometryFactory​(GeometryFactory geometryFactory)
        Sets the geometry factory used to build geometry
        geometryFactory - the geometryFactory to set
      • getEncodeMeasures

        public boolean getEncodeMeasures()
        Controls if coordinates measures should be included in WFS outputs.
        TRUE if measures should be encoded, otherwise FALSE
      • setEncodeMeasures

        public void setEncodeMeasures​(boolean encodeMeasures)
        Sets if coordinates measures should be included in WFS outputs.
        encodeMeasures - TRUE if measures should be encoded, otherwise FALSE
      • setPadWithZeros

        public void setPadWithZeros​(boolean padWithZeros)
        Formats decimals of coordinates padding with zeros up to the configured number of decimals.
        padWithZeros - right pad decimals with zeros
      • setForceDecimalEncoding

        public void setForceDecimalEncoding​(boolean forceDecimalEncoding)
        Forces usage of decimal notation, avoiding scientific notations to encode coordinates.
        forceDecimalEncoding - avoid scientific notation, always use decimal
      • getPadWithZeros

        public boolean getPadWithZeros()
        Returns true if decimals of coordinates are padded with zeros up to the configured number of decimals.
        true if decimals are right-padded with zeros
      • getForceDecimalEncoding

        public boolean getForceDecimalEncoding()
        Returns true if decimal notation should always be used, and scientific notation always avoided.
        true if decimal notation is always used for encoding coordinates