Class DefaultCSBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultCSBuilder
    extends Object
    implements CSBuilder
    A CSBuilder that generates DefaultCoordinateSequence objects, that is, coordinate sequences backed by a Coordinate[] array.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      CoordinateSequence end()
      Stops the coordinate sequence building and returns the result
      int getDimension()
      Returns the dimension of the coordinate sequence we are building, -1 if there is none
      double getOrdinate​(int ordinateIndex, int coordinateIndex)
      Gets an ordinate in the specified coordinate
      int getSize()
      Returns the size of the coordinate sequence we are building, -1 if there is none
      void setOrdinate​(double value, int ordinateIndex, int coordinateIndex)
      Sets and ordinate in the specified coordinate
      void setOrdinate​(CoordinateSequence sequence, double value, int ordinateIndex, int coordinateIndex)
      Utility method that allows to set an ordinate in an already built coordinate sequence Needed because the CoordinateSequence interface does not expose it
      void start​(int size, int dimensions)
      Starts the building of a new coordinate sequence
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultCSBuilder

        public DefaultCSBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start​(int size,
                          int dimensions)
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Starts the building of a new coordinate sequence
        Specified by:
        start in interface CSBuilder
        size - - the number of coordinates in the coordinate sequence
        dimensions - - the dimension of the coordinates in the coordinate sequence, may be ignored if the coordinate sequence does not support variabile dimensions
        See Also:
        org.geotools.geometry.coordinatesequence.CSBuilder#start(int, int)
      • end

        public CoordinateSequence end()
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Stops the coordinate sequence building and returns the result
        Specified by:
        end in interface CSBuilder
        See Also:
      • setOrdinate

        public void setOrdinate​(double value,
                                int ordinateIndex,
                                int coordinateIndex)
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Sets and ordinate in the specified coordinate
        Specified by:
        setOrdinate in interface CSBuilder
        See Also:
        org.geotools.geometry.coordinatesequence.CSBuilder#setOrdinate(double, int, int)
      • getOrdinate

        public double getOrdinate​(int ordinateIndex,
                                  int coordinateIndex)
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Gets an ordinate in the specified coordinate
        Specified by:
        getOrdinate in interface CSBuilder
        See Also:
        org.geotools.geometry.coordinatesequence.CSBuilder#getOrdinate(int, int)
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Returns the size of the coordinate sequence we are building, -1 if there is none
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface CSBuilder
        See Also:
      • getDimension

        public int getDimension()
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Returns the dimension of the coordinate sequence we are building, -1 if there is none
        Specified by:
        getDimension in interface CSBuilder
        See Also:
      • setOrdinate

        public void setOrdinate​(CoordinateSequence sequence,
                                double value,
                                int ordinateIndex,
                                int coordinateIndex)
        Description copied from interface: CSBuilder
        Utility method that allows to set an ordinate in an already built coordinate sequence Needed because the CoordinateSequence interface does not expose it
        Specified by:
        setOrdinate in interface CSBuilder
        See Also:
        org.geotools.geometry.coordinatesequence.CSBuilder#setOrdinate(org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence, double, int, int)